function flatten(array) {
// This is the array we are building out with non-Array elements
let newArray = [];
// We are iterating through each element of the array...
array.forEach(function (element) {
// ... if it is an array, flatten it, spread each individual element into the new array
if (Array.isArray(element)) {
// Recursive case (the element is an array)
newArray.push(...flatten(element)); // Recursive step (flatten this nested array - at a certain point we will get to our deepest level of nesting and not recurse any more)
// ... if it is a non-Array element, push it directly into the new array
} else {
// Base case (the element is not an array)
// Now that we've built up our array with non-Array elements, return it
return newArray;
"a", ["hello", ["world",
"1"]]])); // [1, "a", "hello", "world",
// Tracing the call stack:
flatten([1, "a", ["hello", ["world", "1"]]])
// create newArray = []
// iterate through each element:
// current element: 1
// element is not array, push into newArray
// newArray is now [1]
// current element: "a"
// element is not array, push into newArray
// newArray is now [1, "a"]
// current element: ["hello", ["world", "1"]]
// element is an array, call flatten on it:
flatten(["hello", ["world", "1"]])
// create newArray = []
// iterate through each element:
// current element: "hello"
// element is not array, push into newArray
// newArray is now ["hello"]
// current element: ["world", "1"]
// element is an array, call flatten on it:
flatten(["world", "1"])
// create newArray = []
// iterate through each element:
// current element: "world"
// element is not an array, push into newArray
// newArray is now ["world"]
// current element: "1"
// element is not an array, push into newArray
// newArray is now ["world", "1"]
// Finished iterating, return newArray
// spread elements of returned flatten into newArray
// newArray is now ["hello", "world", "1"]
// Finished iterating, return newArray
// spread elements of returned flatten into newArray
// newArray is now [1, "a", "hello", "world", "1"]
// Finished iterating, return newArray