The steps

//I hate using var but in this case the fact that it is function scope is rather advantageous.... substituting in let for var does not accurately sort the array in this case ... a exclusivley let declared implementation can be found in the 05-quicksort.js file above. //1.) swap helper func function swap( array, i, j ) { var temp = array[ i ]; array[ i ] = array[ j ]; array[ j ] = temp; } function flexiSort( array, left, right ) { // left-pointer would be the index of the first element ... //---> 0 //right-pointer would be the index of the last element //---> (length -1). left = left || 0; right = right || array.length - 1; var pivot = partition( array, left, right ); if ( left < pivot - 1 ) { flexiSort( array, left, pivot - 1 ); } if ( right > pivot ) { flexiSort( array, pivot, right ) } return array; } /* Two indices that start at the ends of the array being partitioned, then move toward each other, until they detect an inversion: a pair of elements, one greater than the pivot, one smaller, that are in the wrong order relative to each other. The inverted elements are then swapped. Here the numerical values of left and right is continually getting updated with each inner while loop. But only if the while loop condition gets satisfied. That is, when the while loop condition is unsatisfied, e.g. for the first inner while loop, when array[left] > array[pivot] which means we have found a misplaced pair. That is, although the left <= right (which is being made sure by the outer while loop) the actual elements are not sorted. Meaning a left side element is larger in value than the right side element. So, the code execution then jumps out of the inner while loop and goes right in to execute the swap function. */ function partition( array, left, right ) { var pivot = Math.floor( ( left + right ) / 2 ); while ( left < right ) { while ( array[ left ] < array[ pivot ] ) { left++ } while ( array[ right ] > array[ pivot ] ) { right-- } if ( left <= right ) { swap( array, left, right ); left++ right-- } } return left; } //--------------------------------(Testing)-------------------------------- function getRandomInt( min, max ) { return Math.floor( Math.random() * ( max - min + 1 ) ) + min; // By adding 1, I am making the maximum inclusive //Fun Fact:---->( the minimum is inclusive anyway). //Math.random() function returns a pseudo - random number in the range from 0 inclusive --> 1 exclusive // } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- var arr = []; // random unsorted array of integers for ( var i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { arr.push( getRandomInt( 1, 100 ) ); } console.log( "-----------------------------------------------------------------" ); console.log( "Unsorted array: " ); // unsorted array console.log( arr ); console.log( "-----------------------------------------------------------------" ) arr = flexiSort( arr, 0, arr.length - 1 ); console.log( "↧↧↧↧↧ Sorted array: ↧↧↧↧↧↧ " ); console.log( arr );