Best Practices in Client-side Development
Projected Time
About 20-30 minutes
- During development, we always focus on writing runnable code to complete our goal but, we ignore the best practices to make our code more readable & manageable.
- New contributors and repository/project maintainers can coordinate easily if they use common coding practices.
- Best practices are used to improve the quality of the software product.
Participants will be able to:
- Understand the importance of dummy content during development.
Specific Things to Learn
- Importance of Lorem ipsum text and images
- About dummy text Lorem ipsum (10 min) - Lorem Ipsum refers to text that developer/designer use as replacement text when the real text is not available. The purpose of Lorem Ipsum is to create a natural looking block of text (sentence, paragraph, page, etc.) that doesn’t distract from the layout. Similar there is Lorem Picsum which refers to images that developer/designer use as filler images when the real images are not available.
- A developer uses Lorem Ipsum/Picsum in their project, when the developer creates an initial version of his project then he uses Lorem Ipsum as a placeholder for that.
- When designer designs something then he uses Lorem Ipsum/Picsum in mockup design to choose font-family and font colors for the real text in the final design. Link to pick up dummy text : Lorem Ipsum Link to pick up dummy images :Lorem Picsum
Supplemental Materials