Example: 60 minutes
Here are links to lessons that should be completed before this lesson:
LinkedIn is your online professional identity and a great place to maintain & build connections, communicate to potential employers, and highlight your accomplishments.
Participants will be able to:
How to be active on LinkedIn: http://money.com/money/5077954/linkedin-profile-tips-resume/ 31 Tips for LinkedIn Profile: https://www.themuse.com/advice/the-31-best-linkedin-profile-tips-for-job-seekers How To Create a LinkedIn Account (if you don’t have one): https://www.wikihow.com/Create-a-LinkedIn-Account Create a stellar Profile: https://www.forbes.com/sites/williamarruda/2017/01/15/linkedin-101-how-to-craft-a-stellar-profile/#6dcde7e55379 Update profile for job search: https://www.themuse.com/advice/how-to-get-your-linkedin-profile-ready-for-your-job-search-in-30-minutes 99 LinkedIn Profile Tips: Background Photo, Headline, Summary & More https://zety.com/blog/optimize-your-linkedin-profile
Where to start:
List things that apprentices might not realize, might assume at first, or should avoid.
LinkedIn Profile is a story of who you are becoming not everything you have been. It does not need to be a history of every job you have ever had. If you worked in retail for 7 years and now want a job as a software engineer then there is no need to include the retail experience in your LinkedIn profile. If you do then it will hurt you in search results done by a recruiter. For example a recruiter will do a search for “Software Engineer” “1-3 years” experience and you will not appear although you may have 1 year of experience. You will appear in the search for “Software Engineer” “8-10 years” because LinkedIn counts years of work experience not specific to your title.
LinkedIn is Not Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Only post and comment on things that represent you as an employee. Keep a strict line bewteen professional and personal. For example I can post on LinkedIn that I am going to a Women in Tech dinner or maybe reading a book about bias in the workplace. If I am going to a political march on human rights then unless I am doing that as a organized sponsored company event I keep that to my Facebook page.
Have the apprentices work with you as you do something step-by-step. This can also be fulfilled by a detailed tutorial intended for beginners.
Class does this thing themselves with specific additional items. This could be alone, with a partner, or small group; but the idea is that it’s less guided, more independent.
Apprentices can try to do this other thing. Ideally, they will be challenged to connect what they’ve learned to some previous knowledge or additional research.
Review 10 profiles of people with similar expereince level and think how they could improve their profile and see if that applies to you too.