Bash Scripts



A bash script is a file that contains a series of commands, which can be commands that one could normally type in the command line or terminal. Bash scripts are a great way to automate a series of tasks.

Try it out!

Run the! You may get a “Permission denied” and need to grant permission via a chmod command.

# from the directory where the script is:
user@bash: ./
-bash: ./ Permission denied
user@bash: chmod +rwx ./
user@bash: ./



Write a setup and teardown script for your project’s database. During development of a project or app, it’s common to need to rebuild or wipe your database - whether you need to change the schema, reload the data, or just start with a fresh database, scripts can be great developer tools to quickly automate this process.

If you have postgres with command line interface installed (try typing psql --help in your terminal to check) ry out the sample scripts if you have postgres on your computer - you may need to change postgres username:

# from the directory where the scripts are:
user@bash: ./
user@bash: chmod +rwx ./  # if 'Permission denied'
user@bash: ./

One can also create .sql files and run them via command line or within an application. Try out the create_db_sample.sql file that does the same as the the, but can be used with many SQL implementations.

Postgres: psql -U postgres --file=create_db_sample.sql MySQL: mysql -u username -p password database_name < create_db_sample.sql