Intro to backend (60 min)

Projected time (60-70 min)

Brief intro

Backend development is the unsung hero of the web world. Almost every piece of data on every website or service – your facebook profile picture, the weather report on, and google’s search results – is served from a computer running backend code.


Backend development – essentially, the creation of APIs – involves a number of technologies working together to show some data. This lesson will briefly introduce you to those technologies, each of which you will learn about in the following weeks. By understanding your roadmap, you will have a better sense of what to learn in order to build your first API. Additionally, understanding the basics of backend development will allow you to…


At the end of this lesson, you will know the pieces that make up backend development. You won’t know how they work yet, (the details are exciting, and we’ll get to them later!) but you will be able to describe the functions of backend development and how it relates to API work. (Hint: they’re basically the same thing) Specifically at the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

Specific things to learn

Lesson materials

Common mistakes/misconceptions

Guided practice

One of the scariest parts of getting into backend development (and engineering in general) is all of the jargon that gets thrown around. And as with most disciplines, this jargon masks the simplicity of the pieces of backend development. Spend some time memorizing these keywords and their meanings using flash cards. Familiarize yourself with them until they aren’t confusing, and remember to Google simple explanations of each term if you don’t understand mine.


Check for understanding