Assessment 4 Objectives
Here are the concepts in Assessment #4: Week 3 Assessments 1-4 emailed via
- [ ] Create descriptive variable names
- [ ] Store numbers and strings in variables
- [ ] Perform math operations on numbers
- [ ] Increment and decrement variables
- [ ] Obtain a random number
- [ ] Find the length of a string
- [ ] Index into a string
- [ ] Create arrays using the proper syntax
- [ ] Create nested arrays
- [ ] Index into arrays
- [ ] Change data inside an array using index reassignment
- [ ] Change data inside an array using .push(), .pop(), .shift() and .unshift()
- [ ] Define a function using proper syntax
- [ ] Pass arguments into a function
- [ ] Understand the difference between global scope and local scope
- [ ] Differentiate between var/const/let
use Date() and its methods:
- [ ] new Date(…arguments),
- [ ] Date.setTime()
Assessment 4.5 Objectives
Here are the concepts being assessed in Assessment #4.5: Whiteboarding Interview Challenges:
- [ ] Understand what interviewers are looking for during a code challenge
- [ ] Ask the right clarifying questions about their challenge
- [ ] Plan their solution before starting to code
- [ ] Describe the parts of the code they are writing, and the reasons for them
- [ ] Test their own functions
- [ ] Find resources for further learning