Assessment 5 Objectives
Here are the concepts in Assessment #5: Week 4 - Loops, Conditionals, Runtime Complexity:
- [ ] Make comparisons of equality and value
- [ ] Determine the Boolean value of a given comparison
- [ ] Write a conditional control flow using if, else if and else statements
- [ ] Implement logical operators &&, || and !
- [ ] Write proper JavaScript for loop syntax
- [ ] Iterate through an array using a for loop
- [ ] Write proper JavaScript while loop syntax
- [ ] Increment a counter variable properly inside a while loop
- [ ] Know when to use a switch statement instead of an if/else statement
- [ ] Write a switch statement using proper syntax
- [ ] Create Object Literals in JavaScript
- [ ] Understand property-value pairs
- [ ] Assign values to properties with both dot-notation and bracket-notation
- [ ] Change the value associated with a property
- [ ] Delete property-value pairs
Runtime Complexity
- [ ] Understand the following runtimes: O(1), O(log n), O(n), O(n log n), O(n^2), and O(2^n)
- [ ] Know the runtime of array and object functions
- [ ] Determine time complexity for simple functions and algorithms