Assessment 8 Objectives
Week 7: Minimal API Project can be found here:
- [ ] Download and install Node.js
- [ ] Run commands in the Node.js REPL
- [ ] Explain non-blocking I/O
- [ ] Explain (a)synchronous calls
- [ ] Explain event-driven programming
- [ ] Explain the MVC framework
- [ ] Create a basic web app using Node.js for the server and Express.js as the MVC framework
Data Models
- [ ] become familiar with different types of data models
- [ ] (given a user flow description) identify the necessary data needed as the user moves from page to page
- [ ] (given different types of data or a user flow description) create a data model diagram to show the relationship between data
- [ ] make a .env file
- [ ] add it to gitignore
- [ ] export variables to a config
- [ ] reference the config anywhere while you develop locally
- [ ] add env variables to heroku or netlify for deployment
Relational Databases
- [ ] Explain the purpose of a database
- [ ] Explain the concept of a relational database and the use of schemas to enforce structure
- [ ] Execute basic SQL commands for CRUD with a database
- [ ] Perform basic selects and joins to find the requested information
- [ ] Create tables using DDL
- [ ] Understand the existence of different SQL dialects
- [ ] Understand the existence of other database types
- [ ] Become familiar with ORMs
- [ ] onsider how to model data for relational databases
- [ ] Create database tables
- [ ] Add, update, and delete data
- [ ] Query data
- [ ] Design a basic relational database schema fitting a use case
Database Migrations
- [ ] Add a field to a table
- [ ] Remove a field from a table
- [ ] Change the properties of a field (name, data type)
- [ ] Change the name of a table
- [ ] Know what database transactions are and when to apply them
Unit Tests