Data Modeling Part 2: Multiple tables

Projected Time



In the previous lessons, we learned about modeling one table or entity. But almost every real world scenario involves multiple entities that relate to each other. In this lesson we’ll learn how to model multiple tables in a database.

Specific Things to Learn


Follow this Treehouse tutorial:

Watch the first 3 sections:

Then read these 2 tutorials:

Data modeling walkthrough

Let’s say I want to build on my book-tracking app from Part 1. Now I want to add more features:

We also want to keep the old features:

Now we’ll have multiple entities in the system. Let’s think about what entities we need. We still need Book, since it’s a main object in our system. Since we want to store more information about the author of each book, we should create an entity Author to have a central place to store that data. And finally, we now have multiple users we want to keep track of, so we should have a User entity.

The basic attributes of each entity could be: Book




Now we want to add relationships between the entities.

Let’s assume each book has one author (not true in real life, but we’ll assume it for this exercise). In that case, Book <-> Author is a one-to-many relationship, because each Book has ONE author, but each Author can have written MANY books.

We can model this in our data by adding an attribute on the Book table representing which Author wrote the book. Now Book will look like:


Author ID will contain the ID (primary key) of the author of the book. Author ID is called a “foreign key”.

For our second relationship, we want to model which Users have read which Books. User <-> Book is a many-to-many relationship, because a User can read MANY books, and a Book can be read by MANY users.

To create a many-to-many relationship in SQL, we need a new table to represent the relationship. This type of table is called a junction table or join table. Let’s call the table BooksRead. To represent the relationship between the two tables, we include a foreign key to each table in the junction table.


In the case of my app, we actually want to add some more data to this relationship: BooksRead

Independent Practice

Exercise 1

Imagine you are creating a food website that will have recipes by top chefs from around the world. The following data will be required:

Answer the following questions:

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

In your own words, define the following term:

What are the 3 types of database relationships? Briefly explain each one. For each one, come up with an example schema that uses the relationship.


Compare your “food website” data model with another apprentice. Are there any differences between your designs? If so, for each difference try to use the data modeling principles you’ve learned to decide which way would be a stronger database design.