Front End Take-home Challenge

Please follow all of the following instructions carefully. Good luck. You have 3 hours to return the assignment.

Part 1

Implement a simple, mobile-friendly HTML page that satisfies the following requirements: Initialize a git repository for tracking your changes. Display interactive carousel of 5 images of your choosing, scrolling horizontally. When a user visits the page, the carousel should show the first image of the carousel. The user should see a UI navigation element which indicates which step of the carousel is currently active. These navigation controls should allow the user to to jump to a specific image in the carousel. The carousel should automatically revolve images over time, looping indefinitely, displaying the first image after rotating past the final image.

You may use pre-existing javascript libraries or frameworks for Part 1.

Part 2

Create a separate HTML page, showcase your JavaScript capabilities by creating your own implementation of part 1, without external libraries or frameworks (note: you may use jQuery for accessing and manipulating DOM elements, but write your own JavaScript functions for the Carousel and navigation elements on your own. We are curious to see your implementation).

This page has the same requirements as Part 1. Images and layout can be the same. Be sure to include an anchor tag linking from this new page to the page you created in Part 1. Update your initial page with an anchor tag linking to your new page. Users should be able to navigate between both pages and use either carousel effectively.

Part 3

Host your beautiful creation on GitHub Pages so we can interact with it. Push your local commits to a new repository on GitHub.

Please include a README file that briefly describes your thought process to completing assignment. Send your Program Manager an email with the URL of your GitHub repository. The final product should be publically viewable at and should be fully functional on mobile and desktop browsers.