GitHub for Code Storage

Projected Time

About 1.5 hour



GitHub is a widely-used code storage and code collaboration tool. In this lesson we cover the storage aspects of GitHub. In another lesson, we’ll cover the collaboration aspects of GitHub.


Participants will be able to

Specific Things to Learn


  1. GitHub for Code Storage (video walkthrough of slides)

  2. GitHub for Code Storage (slides)

  3. Learn how to create a ‘gist’ here. You will soon be required to turn many things in with a gist. (Note: It’s super easy.)

  4. Art of README (30 minute read)

  5. Use this template to get started.

Common Mistakes / Misconceptions


In the video walkthrough, the instructor demonstrates the proper GitHub workflow for creating and pushing to repos.

Independent Practice

Techtonica staff will assign pairs. With your pair, go through the demonstration in the video walkthrough with a new project (not the one you started in the “Git & Version Control” lesson).

Group Practice

The group will tell the instructor, or a fellow classmate, how to get through the GitHub workflow presented in this lesson. This should be done from memory, and the instructor or classmate will work on a computer attached to the projector.

Supplemental Materials


Work through this Git and GitHub tutorial for Beginners, which reinforces all of the concepts we covered in this lesson, plus some more advanced topics such as branching, merging and pull requests. Fun!

Check for Understanding

Form small groups and discuss: