JS + HTML Games
These are 3 possible games to make to practice using HTML and JS. They are listed easiest to hardest. Feel free to work on whichever one(s) are a good challenge for you. There’s not much instruction – it’s up to you to decide how the site will look and the details of how it works. Be creative!
General guidelines for projects:
- Use GitHub Pages to serve the games. You can follow these instructions to deploy your code.
- Include a README with a demo, and instructions for how to run the code
Coin Flip
Make a web page where you can flip a coin and it comes up heads 50% of times and tails 50% of times.
- Add a box where the user can say how many coins they want to flip. Then display that many coins and flip them all randomly.
Guess My Number
Make a web page that generates a secret random number and the user can guess the number until they get it right. For each guess, the game should display whether the answer is higher, lower, or correct.
- Track how many wrong guesses the user has made so far and display that count
- Track what numbers the user has already guessed and display those
- Let the user choose the range of the secret number
Make a web page with Boggle
Boggle Extension
- Add a timer so that each person can only take a certain amount of time for a turn
- Advanced: Write a function that can solve the boggle game - find all the valid words using a dictionary