Chrome Developer Tools






  1. Viewing HTML source code
  2. Viewing HTML and CSS code using the “Elements” tab
  3. Running and debugging code in the JavaScript console

Learning Styles Represented

  1. Visual
  2. Kinesthetic


In this lab exercise, you will (what they will do) and practice (what they will practice) in order to (what they will learn).



Use the Terminal for navigating around the file system and creating new folders and files. Refer to the lesson on Shell Commands if you need guidance on using the Terminal.

When you get to the steps below that ask you to initialize a git repo and track files using git, refer to the lesson on Git and Version Control if you need guidance.

Navigate to the techtonica-labs folder located in your Desktop. Create a new folder called getting-started-with-node within the techtonica-labs folder. Navigate to getting-started-with-node. Initialize getting-started-with-node as a git repository.

If you have questions, do not disturb other pairs until you have spent 15-20 minutes troubleshooting within your own pair. Post a message on the #help channel in Slack if you and your pair partner are still stuck after 15-20 minutes. Be sure to format your question using the template we practiced in the Asking Good Questions lesson.

Lab Instructions

Starter Code

There is no starter code for this lab exercise. OR Here is a link to the starter code for this lab exercise

Lab Exercise

Part 1 - Thing they will do (should match Basic Requirement 1 from above)

First step
Etiam eleifend est ac auctor pretium. Pellentesque eu quam urna. Morbi mattis purus at iaculis ornare. Sed id felis felis. Etiam euismod ante vel augue dictum, sed finibus arcu iaculis. Suspendisse maximus congue pharetra. Phasellus at sem vel sapien tincidunt porttitor vitae sit amet quam. Praesent sodales nisl elit, id vehicula nulla faucibus vel.

Add screenshots or images whenever possible to clarify what you mean, and so participants can verify they’ve done the task correctly.

Second step
Etiam eleifend est ac auctor pretium. Pellentesque eu quam urna. Morbi mattis purus at iaculis ornare. Sed id felis felis. Etiam euismod ante vel augue dictum, sed finibus arcu iaculis. Suspendisse maximus congue pharetra. Phasellus at sem vel sapien tincidunt porttitor vitae sit amet quam. Praesent sodales nisl elit, id vehicula nulla faucibus vel.

Add screenshots or images whenever possible to clarify what you mean, and so participants can verify they’ve done the task correctly.

Third step
Etiam eleifend est ac auctor pretium. Pellentesque eu quam urna. Morbi mattis purus at iaculis ornare. Sed id felis felis. Etiam euismod ante vel augue dictum, sed finibus arcu iaculis. Suspendisse maximus congue pharetra. Phasellus at sem vel sapien tincidunt porttitor vitae sit amet quam. Praesent sodales nisl elit, id vehicula nulla faucibus vel.

Add screenshots or images whenever possible to clarify what you mean, and so participants can verify they’ve done the task correctly.

Part 2 - Thing they will do (should match Basic Requirement 2 from above)

First step
Etiam eleifend est ac auctor pretium. Pellentesque eu quam urna. Morbi mattis purus at iaculis ornare. Sed id felis felis. Etiam euismod ante vel augue dictum, sed finibus arcu iaculis. Suspendisse maximus congue pharetra. Phasellus at sem vel sapien tincidunt porttitor vitae sit amet quam. Praesent sodales nisl elit, id vehicula nulla faucibus vel.

Add screenshots or images whenever possible to clarify what you mean, and so participants can verify they’ve done the task correctly.

Second step
Etiam eleifend est ac auctor pretium. Pellentesque eu quam urna. Morbi mattis purus at iaculis ornare. Sed id felis felis. Etiam euismod ante vel augue dictum, sed finibus arcu iaculis. Suspendisse maximus congue pharetra. Phasellus at sem vel sapien tincidunt porttitor vitae sit amet quam. Praesent sodales nisl elit, id vehicula nulla faucibus vel.

Add screenshots or images whenever possible to clarify what you mean, and so participants can verify they’ve done the task correctly.

Third step
Etiam eleifend est ac auctor pretium. Pellentesque eu quam urna. Morbi mattis purus at iaculis ornare. Sed id felis felis. Etiam euismod ante vel augue dictum, sed finibus arcu iaculis. Suspendisse maximus congue pharetra. Phasellus at sem vel sapien tincidunt porttitor vitae sit amet quam. Praesent sodales nisl elit, id vehicula nulla faucibus vel.

Add screenshots or images whenever possible to clarify what you mean, and so participants can verify they’ve done the task correctly.

Questions to Consider
