
Projected Time

About 90 minutes


Here are links to lessons that should be completed before this lesson:



Participants will be able to:

Specific Things to Learn

Implementation of memoization

Writing memoization into code can be very simple:-



Common Mistakes / Misconceptions

List things that apprentices might not realize, might assume at first, or should avoid.

Guided Practice

Work step by step to change a recursion of Fibonacci Sequence to a memoization version:


function fibonacci(num) {

if (num <= 1) return 1;

    return fibonacci(num - 1) + fibonacci(num - 2);



  1. How do we need to change the function definition? Change this line to include ‘memo’ as an argument in the function definition: function fibonacci(num) What would it look like?

    Ans: function fibonacci(num, memo)

  1. How do we define ‘memo’ in the function which was not defined when we used recursion? What would you add to the function?

    Ans: Create a hash table to store the data to be used again when called upon. memo = memo || {};

  2. When passed an argument, check to see if the result is stored in the memo: if (memo[num]) return memo[num]

  3. Write the rest of the function checking for 0 and then calling the memo if it exists.

if (num <= 1) return 1;

    return memo[num] = fibonacci(num - 1, memo) + fibonacci(num - 2, memo);


Complete solution using memoization:

function fibonacci(num, memo) {

memo = memo || {};

  if (memo[num]) {
    return memo[num];

  if (num <= 1){
    return 1;
return memo[num] = fibonacci(num - 1, memo) + fibonacci(num - 2, memo);

Independent Practice

Try this problem from Interview Cake

Check for Understanding

Explain the benefits of using memoization including the differences in Time Complexity and Space Complexity.

Supplemental Resources