Full-Stack PERN Project: Animal Sighting Tracker


You’ve now learned how to create a full-stack app with a React frontend, Node/Express backend, and Postgres database (PERN). This project is to practice putting it all together by building a fairly simple app from start to finish.



Let’s make an app to help scientists track sightings of endangered animals.



This app will store data about different endangered species (e.g. polar bears, tigers). For each species, it should be able to store:

It is up to you to decide which records are optional in your database.


Scientists track some individual animals of endangered species, so we want to store data about each individual as well


When scientists spot an individual they’re tracking, they want to store some information about the sighting in the database:

Required Features

Your app’s React UI should have these features:

Note: since this feature list only requires a UI to add a new sighting:


Optional Bonus Features

Once you finish the core requirements, you should choose at least one of the below and implement it. If you were caught up on Eventonica, it is expected you will do more than one of these in your initial PR by the deadline.

Note: before starting any of these, make a commit, so in case you run of time in the middle you can always go back to the previous commit

Feature: Individual Detail Page

Click on an individual to bring up its details. Add some more database columns to make the view more interesting.

Group Sightings

Especially with social species, storing which individuals were spotted together is vital for research.


Add a “Healthy” filter checkbox


Other Features



I’m having trouble starting…