Week 7, Assessment #8 - Build a Minimal API Project




Primary Goals

This assessment will check for proficiency in: NodeJS, ExpressJS, data modeling, .env secrets, SQL, relational databases, and CRUD.

(We will cover Database Migrations, API testing, and REST in future assessments.)


In this project, you will build a minimal Express API to demonstrate your understanding of backend technologies.


Basic Requirements

What is this project checking for?

  1. Understanding of CRUD
  2. Create a new table (using a database migration)
  3. Connect a db to your project using .env variables
  4. Create a get route to fetch all your table data
  5. Create a get route to fetch part of your data
  6. Create put, post, and delete routes
  7. Draw 2 data models and include them in the project README.md
  8. Build functionality that makes use of a relational database
  9. Experience changing database technologies with the help of an ORM

Project Instructions

Part 0 - Starter Code

nvm install 8.13.0
which node
node -v

Part 1 - Swap out the database for Postgres

We won’t be modifying app code (for the most part) in this section.

Data Models


column name data type
title STRING

…and so on.


Use the psql command-line program to:




Use Postman to hit each of your API’s endpoints that perform CRUD operations.

Use Postman to get all articles.

PAUSE: Take a lunch break, and then move onto part 2.

Part 2 - Relational Database & more CRUD Operations

In this stage, we will augment our project by adding comments. Don’t worry about users yet! Let’s say that articles and comments have a one-to-many relationship.

The comment should store some text.

Data Models/Relational Databases


SQL, with JOIN queries this time

Using the psql command-line program, use SQL to:

NodeJS & ExpressJS

You do not need to make HTML or PUG templates for any of these new actions. Just use Postman to test them.


Use Postman to manually test your API.

Part 3 - Turn in your project


If you’ve met all the criteria, here are some ways you can continue!