Developing your brand as a developer

Projected Time

30-45 minutes



What is an example of a great personal brand? Test your knowledge about Techtonica founder Michelle Glauser. Did you learn something new and impressive?


Specific Things To Learn



How to win friends and stand out from the crowd Build on the first information. Have participants guess things, do an activity, etc.

Make sure to mention these things:

Common Mistakes / Misconceptions

Guided Practice

Follow this tutorial to create your own blog on Medium!

Independent Practice

Take some time this week to write a blog post on something you learned this week. Before posting to the world, have a fellow classmate review it to see if the information is useful. A typical suggestion is to blog for yourself 3-6 months ago.

Ship it and continue this process at least once a week. Remember to keep the blog post short at first to prevent writers block and anxiety about posting.

Promoting your blog is at least as important as writing it!


Tweet out about your new blog on Twitter using the #BridgeTheTechGap or #CodeNewbiehashtag.

Check for Understanding

Send your first blog post to a peer and ask for comments and 2 ways you can improve your post or your site.

Supplemental Resources

Check for Understanding