Portfolio Project - Incorporate SEO & a11y
Primary Goals
To demonstrate understanding of Search Engine Optimization and Accessibility Standards by incorporating them into your Portfolio site.
In this project, you will continue to build a portfolio page to practice what you’ve learned about SEO and a11y. This should take about 90 minutes.
A great portfolio page will be a valuable way to showcase your skills as you look for engineering work, both in the content and in the code.
Project Requirements
- [ ] As you go through the topic outline, commit your code in git and push to GitHub after each bolded section. You should write clear + informative commit messages in command form (“Add line about technical skills”) for each commit.
Part 1 - Incorporate SEO into your portfolio webpage
Open latest version of Portfolio Project
- [ ] Using the command line, practice pulling the latest version from your remote git repo.
- [ ] Open your portfolio project in your text editor application using your command line.
Semantic HTML Tags
- [ ] Replace as many non-semantic elements as you can with semantic ones.
- [ ] Headers are semantic and content is suitable for SEO.
- [ ] (Remember to make a git commit after each set of code changes!)
- [ ] Include open graph metadata
- [ ] Include at least 2 additional types of social meta tags
- [ ] Include a viewport meta tag
- [ ] Add Google Analytics to your site
- [ ] Include links to at least your LinkedIn and GitHub pages.
Part 2 - Incorporate a11y into your portfolio webpage
- [ ] Images have alternative text
- [ ] Include at least 2 aria attributes in a relevant way
- [ ] Website meets WebAIM color and contrast standards.
- [ ] Passes axe accessibility tests
- [ ] Can be navigated easily using a screen reader
- Spend what remains of your 90 minutes to make improvements to your portfolio site, and be sure to push your changes up to GitHub.