Portfolio Project: Collaboration and Review
Primary Goals
To demonstrate understanding of the topics covered in week 3 of this course, as well as pair programming skills.
In this project, you will put the finishing touches on your project by collaborating on documentation, reviewing, refactoring, and re-deploying with a partner. This should take about 2 hours.
This is the third and final part of the Portfolio page project
Other Skills
- Pair Programming
- Brand Development
- GitHub Collaboration
- Good Documentation
- Writing a good ReadMe
- Deploying your client-side app with Netlify
Project Requirements:
Part 1: Pair Programming
For this section you should pair program with a partner the whole time. Complete this section with one partner’s project, then the other’s. Spend about 40 minutes on each person’s project. Each person should spend 20 minutes “driving” and 20 minutes “navigating” for each of the projects.
GitHub Collaboration
- [ ] Fork your partner’s project and use git to download it to your computer.
- [ ] Create a new branch and make changes on that throughout this section.
- [ ] For each change you make on your project or your partner’s, practice making a PR for your changes rather than pushing it straight to main.
Writing Readable Code / Documentation
- [ ] Refactor code to make it more readable using whitespace at least once.
- [ ] Refactor code to make it more readable using a more clear/descriptive tag, class, id, or possibly a file name.
- [ ] Add useful comments to clarify code.
- [ ] Commit your changes, push the branch to GitHub, and make a PR to the main branch.
Developing your brand as a software developer
- [ ] Make sure your blog site is provided as a link somewhere on your portfolio page. If you don’t yet have one, make it now with your partner.
- [ ] Have your partner describe their goals for the blog site. Does the site acheieve these goals? If not, let them know; they should write down your comments and work on this in their extra time later this week.
Part 2: Practice Code Review
Each partner should go back to their own computer and open their repo on GitHub.
- [ ] Leave a ‘review’ of the PRs created for your site. To practice the code review process, find at least one small change to request, such as changing punctuation, improving a comment, or whatever else you think of.
- [ ] Your partner should make the change and push another commit to the branch
- [ ] Now you can approve the PR, then merge it!
Part 3: Deployment
Deploying a client-side app with netlify
- [ ] Make sure your project runs without errors after all of your changes have been merged.
- [ ] Relaunch your new version of the site on netlify.
Turn in your project
- [ ] Send your portfolio page’s netlify url and your portfolio’s github repo url in an email to the program facilitator.
- Customize your netlify url to something more professional that includes your name.