Template Intro
Here is an example of a well-defined project, Eventonica Part 3 (jQuery)
Project Template
Primary Goal
- To build __
- Include why that’s useful in the world of software projects
Secondary Goals
Helpful Resources
- Link back to curriculum lessons that may be useful
- Or external links that might have code examples relevant to this project
- Detailed requirements, logic, mini user-stories, etc.
- This part should specify what, not how
Step 1 - Create X
- Always err on the side of including too much hand-holding and step-by-step.
- For earlier projects, you should include very step-by-step instructions with code snippets.
- For later projects, you can just include any important intro steps and some code examples of the first step(s).
Questions to Consider
- Ask questions here that connect what is being done in the project to what was covered in the given weeks Topic Outlines.
- Ask questions that connect this project to prior Topic Outlines or Independent Practice.
- Also ask questions that require the participants to put together multiple pieces of knowledge to arrive at an answer or opinion.
- Always include at least 2 optional extensions for participants who are ahead
- They should be open-ended and force the participant to figure it out on their own
- What deliverables can you as an participants work on once you have fulfilled the basic requirements for this project?
- What do these deliverables add to their understanding of the topic?
- Extensions are designed for participants who are moving through the material faster than other participants. They should reinforce or build on the concepts from this project. Participants should not work ahead in the curriculum by starting on the next Topic Outline.
Submission Requirements
Template users note: these requirements should usually be identical so you shouldn’t need to modify it.
Always create a README.md file in the root of your folder to explain the project and link to these instructions.
Please submit using the normal pull request submission process. If you are not 100% done by the deadline, submit what you have and note in the PR description what remains to be done. Ensure you’ve included any instructions, latest database dumps, etc so a volunteer reviewer without as much context can review it.
Good luck!