Roles in Tech

Projected Time

About 1 hour



Read this blog post about a bootcamp student who discovered the field of Sales Engineering


Participants will be able to:

Specific Things to Learn


Common Mistakes / Misconceptions

Group Practice

Collaborate to come up with an email template that can be used to ask for informational interviews. Here are some good tips.

Independent Practice

  1. On your own, choose 3 to 5 roles from the lesson that sound interesting to you and do some research on Google and YouTube about those roles. Jot down a few notes about each role, such as what interests you, what you might like about that role, what questions you have about the role, etc.

  2. Of the roles you researched, choose the top 2 or 3 that really stand out to you. Using LinkedIn, find 2 or 3 people who work in the Bay Area doing the jobs you’re interested in. Reach out to them and ask for an informational interview using the template we came up with during the Group Practice activity.

  3. Go to 2 to 4 informational interviews within the next 30 days and take notes on your conversations. These meetings will count towards your 3 required networking events per month! Be ready to share your notes with the cohort in about a month.


On their own, participants can look up job ads for roles they are interested in and make a list of the common skills and job responsibilities needed in order to qualify.

Check for Understanding

A month from now, in a roundtable discussion format, share and compare notes from the conversations had during the project portion of this topic.