Socioeconomic Differences

Projected Time

Total - 1 hour Lesson - 23 minutes Check for Understanding - 30-40 minutes




A person’s socioeconomic status can inform their identity, as it affects the community around them and their lived experiences. Therefore, there are some shared experiences among people who come from blue-collar backgrounds and move to white-collar jobs. The experience can be unsettling, and feel alienating at times, as it might be hard to understand a different workplace environment, and experience potentially negative responses from people around them. The purpose of covering this topic is to help people recognize what might cause those feelings, and be able to address them when they arise.


Participants will be able to:

Specific Things to Learn


Lesson (approx 23 minutes)

  1. Research the term “Class Straddler.”
  2. Some experiences many class straddlers share:

Check for Understanding (37-40 minutes)

  1. Discuss problems and solutions.
  2. Summarize.

Supplemental Materials

  1. Straddling college and working class-by Julissa Trevio - The following article derives a narrative about the problems people with working-class backgrounds face in elite environments.

  2. Class straddling on being formerly working class—by ridefreefearlessmoney - In the following article the author shares her personal experience regarding “class straddling.”

  3. “Hidden Rules of Class at Work” by Ruby K. Payne and Don L. Krabill

  4. Hillbilly Elegy by J.D. Vance

  5. Blue-Collar Roots, White-Collar Dreams by Alfred Lubrano