SQL 2 (Multiple Tables)

Projected Time

3 hours



Specific Things to Learn


Codecademy SQL Tutorial


  1. Go through the “Joining Table Data with SQL” section of https://teamtreehouse.com/library/querying-relational-databases

  2. Work through the Codecademy SQL Tutorial Section 4 (Multiple Tables)

Independent practice

In SQLite on your own machine, you are going to create the tables for a microblogging platform (an app similar to Twitter). Your database should be able to store user information and posts by specific users. One post must belong to exactly one user. One user can have many posts. Later, we’ll add the ability for users to follow each other, but not now.

  1. With pencil/pen and paper, write out the data for a database with the following spec. Fill in the fields with fake data that you make up. Be sure to link posts to a certain existing user!

Here’s a sample schema:

- a table named: `users`
    - which has a text field named: `name`
    - and a text field named: `email`
- a table named: `posts`
    - which has an integer field named: `user_id`
    - and a text field named: `content`
  1. Enter the SQLite command line program using the terminal commad sqlite3 twitter.sqlite3. (This will save your database to a file called twitter.sqlite3). Once there, use SQL statements to create two tables according to the spec for the two tables in step 1.

  2. Once you have your two tables set up, compare your table set-up with another apprentice’s.

  3. Add sample data to the tables yourself (make up some users and posts).

  4. Try writing queries that get data such as:

  5. Now let’s perform a database migration. We will add a new column to an existing table in our database. Add a text field named: bio to your existing users table!

  6. Add some sample data to your new bio fields, but not for every user (leave some of their bios blank).

  7. Try writing queries that get data such as:

Extra Challenge

If you complete the above, we’ll move on to creating a join table.

  1. Add a new table named follows that has an int field follower_id and an int field followed_id. Draw a picture for this table.

  2. Write some queries that get data such as:

Supplemental Materials