Example Topic Outline (Replace with Title)

Projected Time

Example: 30-45 minutes


Here are topics that should be understood before this topic:


Why it is worth learning this topic


Participants will be able to:

Specific Things To Learn



Here’s text about introducing something and how it works.

Build on the first information. Have apprentices guess things, do an activity, etc.

Make sure to mention these things:

Common Mistakes & Misconceptions

List things that apprentices might not realize, might assume at first, or should avoid.

Guided Practice

Have the apprentices work with you as you do something step-by-step. This can also be fulfilled by a detailed tutorial intended for beginners.

Independent Practice

Class does this thing themselves with specific additional items. This could be alone, with a partner, or small group; but the idea is that it’s less guided, more independent.


Apprentices can try to do this other thing. Ideally, they will be challenged to connect what they’ve learned to some previous knowledge or additional research.

Check for Understanding

Some ideas: have apprentices summarize to each other, make a cheat sheet, take a quiz, do an assignment, or something else that helps them self-assess their understanding. This exercise should help apprentices determine whether they’ve met the outline objectives, or if they need to review.ss

Supplemental Materials