UI/UX Design

Projected Time

About 1 hour



User Interfaces (UI) and User Experiences (UX) describe the things users see and feel when they interact with a product, be it a website, a mobile app, or even a physical gadget. Almost all tech companies build products of some kind or another, and it’s imperative that their products be well-received and well-loved by their users.

Companies that focus on UI/UX designs:


Participants will be able to:

Specific Things to Learn

Supplemental Materials


UI/UX Design (video walkthrough of slides)

UI/UX Design (slides)

Things to Remember

Independent Practice

Pairs will not be assigned for this exercise.

Activity #1 - Design Improvements Pick an app or website whose UI or UX you dislike and spend 10 minutes making a list of things that could be improved.

Focus of the following:

Activity #2 - Design Successes Name something (an app, an object, an experience, a place) that you use regularly and that is truly making your life better. It doesn’t have to be an application or software.

Spend 10 minutes writing down your feelings: Why do you use this in particular? Why not another app?

What do you think stands out in terms of the following?:

Group Practice

Find a pair and share your findings for Activity #1 and Activity #2. Swap pairs and share once more.

Check for Understanding

Form a small group and discuss