Writing Readable Code

Projected Time

About 90 minutes


Attendance at Techtonica’s HTML/CSS & JS workshops


Looking at an example


Participants will be able to:

Specific Things to Learn


Common Mistakes / Misconceptions

-“As long as my code does what it’s supposed to do, it’s good enough.” Functionality is very important, but it’s only part of the bigger picture. Being able to easily maintain your code is important, too.

Independent Practice

Techtonica staff will assign #1 to half of the group and #2 to the other half of the group.

  1. Using REPL.it write a function called findMax that takes in 3 integers as parameters and returns the largest of the 3 integers.

  2. Using REPL.it write a function called bigWord that takes in a word as a string and returns True if the word has at least 10 letters and False if the word has 9 or fewer letters.

Group Practice

Pair up with a colleague who did not do the same coding challenge as you. Show your pair partner your code from the Independent Practice, but do not explain it to them. Your partner should read the code to themselves, then explain back to you their understanding of what each line of your code is doing. Listen to their feedback and suggestions — they may end up helping you to identify parts of your code that could be improved.

Supplemental Materials

Check for Understanding