JavaScript 4 - Loops

Projected Time

About 2 hours



JavaScript is used on the frontend of almost every website. It’s also a widely-used scripting language that be used on the backend as well. The JavaScript lessons set a solid foundation in JavaScript basics so we can use the language in more robust ways in later lessons.


Participants will be able to:

Specific Things to Learn


Video walkthrough of lesson slides JavaScript 4 - Loops (20 min)

Read through lesson slides JavaScript 4 - Loops

Things to Remember

Guided Practice

Work through this lesson on JS loops (about 30 min):

Independent Practice

Techtonica staff will assign pairs.


Activity 1 - Vacation Time!

Write a function called printVacations whose input is an array of arrays. Each sub-array should have two strings as elements: The 0th element should be a person’s name and the 1st element should be that person’s most desired vacation destination. Include a minimum of 3 sub-arrays in your input array, like so:

[ ['Tammy', 'Tahiti'], ['Erin', 'Banff, Alberta, Canada'], ['Janet', 'London'] ]

Your function should print each person’s name and desired destination in a complete sentence, like this:

Tammy really wants to go to Tahiti.
Erin really wants to go to Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Janet really wants to go to London.

Activity 2 - Vacation Choices

Follow the prompt for Activity #1, but use this format for the input array instead:

[ ['Tammy', ['Tahiti', 'Bali', 'Hawaii']], ['Erin', ['Banff, Alberta, Canada', 'Iceland']], ['Janet', ['London', 'Hogwarts']] ]

The output should look similar to this:

Tammy is willing to go to Tahiti, Bali or Hawaii.
Erin is willing to go to Banff, Alberta, Canada or Iceland.
Janet is willing to go to London or Hogwarts.


Supplemental Materials

For Loops

While Loops

Check for Understanding

let ourArray = [];
let i = 0;
while(i < 5) {