JavaScript 5 - Switch Statements

Projected Time

About 60 minutes



JavaScript is used on the frontend of almost every website. It’s also a widely-used scripting language that be used on the backend as well. The JavaScript lessons set a solid foundation in JavaScript basics so we can use the language in more robust ways in later lessons.


Participants will be able to:

Specific Things to Learn


JavaScript 5 (Video walkthrough of lesson slides)


JavaScript 5 - Switch Statements (slides)

Common Mistakes / Misconceptions

Independent Practice

Techtonica staff will assign pairs.

Refer back to the calculator activity from the JavaScript 1 lesson. Refactor your code to replace your if/else statement(s) with switch statement(s).


Refer back to the movie night activity from the JavaScript 3 lesson. Refactor your code to replace your if/else statement(s) with switch statement(s).

Supplemental Materials

Check for Understanding


Complete these HackerRank Challenges: