console.log("hello world!");
Identify that strings are a list of characters defined by using double or single quotes**
The string data type is a primitive data type that used to represent textual data.
can be wrapped by either single or double quotation marks, best to choose one and stick with it for consistency.
Given an arithmetic expression using +, -, *, /, %, compute its value
Construct the truth tables for &&, ||, !
Not Truth Table
Input | Ouput |
!true | false |
!false | true |
Not Truth Table | Input | Input | Output | | —– | —– | —— | | T | T | T | | T | F | F | | F | T | F | | F | F | F |
Given an expression consisting of >, >=, ===, <, <=, compute it’s value
Apply De Morgan’s law to a boolean expression
Given an expression that utilizes operator precedence, compute its value
Given an expression, use the grouping operator to change it’s evaluation
Given expressions using == and ===, compute their values
Given a code snippet using postfix ++, postfix –, +=, -=, /=, *=, predict the value of labeled lines
Create and assign a variable using let to a string, integer, and a boolean. Read its value and print to the console.
Define a function using function declaration
Define a function that calculates the average of two numbers, call it, pass in arguments, and print it’s return value