W1D1 Learning Objectives

Expressions Learning Objectives

  1. Given a working REPL interface, write and execute a statement that will print “hello world” using console.log
  2. Identify that strings are a list of characters defined by using double or single quotes
  3. Given an arithmetic expression using +, -, *, /, %, compute its value
  4. Given an expression, predict if its value is NaN
  5. Construct the truth tables for &&, ||, !
  6. Given an expression consisting of >, >=, ===, <, <=, compute it’s value
  7. Apply De Morgan’s law to a boolean expression
  8. Given an expression that utilizes operator precedence, compute its value
  9. Given an expression, use the grouping operator to change it’s evaluation
  10. Given expressions using == and ===, compute their values
  11. Given a code snippet using p(#expressions-objective-1)ostfix ++, postfix –, +=, -=. /=, *=, predict the value of labeled lines
  12. Create and assign a variable using let to a string, integer, and a boolean. Read its value and print to the console.

Intro to Functions Learning Objectives

  1. Define a function using function declaration
  2. Define a function that calculates the average of two numbers, call it, pass in arguments, and print it’s return value
  3. Identify the difference between parameters vs arguments

Learning Objectives Examples


Expressions Objective 1

Given a working REPL interface, write and execute a statement that will print “hello world” using console.log

console.log("hello world");

Expressions Objective 2

Identify that strings are a list of characters defined by using double or single quotes

"hello world" // valid string
'hello world' // valid string
'hello world" // invalid string!
"hello world"[0] // 'h' (indices start at 0)
"hello world"[-1] // undefined (indices outside range of characters return undefined)
"hello world"["hello world".length - 1] // d (since we start at 0, the last character is at the index of length - 1)

Expressions Objective 3

Given an arithmetic expression using +, -, *, /, %, compute its value

console.log(1 + 2); // 3
console.log(14 - 6); // 8
console.log(2 * 3); // 6
console.log(6 / 3); // 2
console.log(7 % 6); // 1

Expressions Objective 4

Given an expression, predict if its value is NaN

let num1;
console.log(1 + 2 * 3); // 7 (multiplication is performed first)
console.log((1 + 2) * 3); // 9 (addition is first because it is grouped)

Expressions Objective 5

Construct the truth tables for &&, ||, ! - NOT (!)

A !A
true false
false true
A B A && B
true true true
true false false
false true false
false false false
A B A || B
true true true
true false true
false true true
false false false

Expressions Objective 6

Given an expression consisting of >, >=, ===, <, <=, compute it’s value

console.log(1 > 4); // false
console.log(1 < 4); // true
console.log(4 >= 4); // true
console.log(4 <= 4); // true
console.log(4 === 4); // true

console.log((1 + 3) % 3 === 2 - 6 / 3 + 1) // true

Expressions Objective 7

Apply De Morgan’s law to a boolean expression - !(A || B) === !A && !B - !(A && B) === !A || !B

console.log(!(true || false)) // false
console.log(!true && !false) // false (equivalent to above)

Expressions Objective 8

Given an expression that utilizes operator precedence, compute its value

console.log(1 + 2 * 3 + 4); // 11 (multiplication is performed first, then addition)
console.log(1 + 2 * 3 % 4); // 3 (multiplication and modulo are performed first, then addition)

Expressions Objective 9

Given an expression, use the grouping operator to change it’s evaluation

console.log(1 + 2 * 3); // 7 (multiplication is performed first)
console.log((1 + 2) * 3); // 9 (addition is first because it is grouped)

Expressions Objective 10

Given expressions using == and ===, compute their values

console.log(4 == '4'); // true (coercion takes place)
console.log(4 === '4'); // false (the number and string are compared directly)

Expressions Objective 11

Given a code snippet using postfix ++, postfix –, +=, -=. /=, *=, predict the value of labeled lines

let age = 5;
console.log(age); // 5
age + 5;
console.log(age); // 5 (age was not reassigned above)
age += 5;
console.log(age); // 10 (+= is shorthand for age = age + 5, so age is reassigned)
age *= 5;
console.log(age); // 50
age -= 5;
console.log(age); // 45
age /= 5;
console.log(age); // 9
console.log(age); // 10 (++ is shorthand for age = age + 1, so age is reassigned)
console.log(age); // 9

Expressions Objective 12

Create and assign a variable using let to a string, integer, and a boolean. Read its value and print to the console.

let variable = 'This is a string';
console.log(variable) // This is a string (The value of the variable is what is printed, not the name.)
variable = 8
console.log(variable) // 8 (The variable can be reassigned from the string to an integer.)
variable = true
console.log(variable) // true (Reassignment to a boolean works, too!)

Intro to Functions

Functions Objective 1

Define a function using function declaration - We use the function keyword to declare our intent to create a function. - We give our function a name (myNewFunction). - We capture any parameters that are passed in and assign them names (parameter1 and parameter2). - We open up a block with curly braces to house our function’s code. - We do any functionality that we want our function to perform. - We use the return keyword to return a value from our function (otherwise we return undefined).

function myNewFunction(parameter1, parameter2) {
  return parameter1 + parameter2;

Functions Objective 2

Define a function that calculates the average of two numbers, call it, pass in arguments, and print it’s return value

function averageOfTwo(num1, num2){
  let sum = num1 + num2;
  let average = sum / 2;
  return average;

console.log(averageOfTwo(3, 7)) // 5

Functions Objective 3

Identify the difference between parameters vs arguments - Parameters are in the function definition. They capture the values passed in to the function (arguments) as variable names and allow us to use those values in our function. - Arguments are in the function invocation. They are the values that are passed in to the function. - In Objective 2 above, num1 and num2 are the parameters while 3 and 7 are the arguments.