
Make it Pretty

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For the Love of Data

Creating Database Entities

  1. Log into PSQL psql
  2. Create a Super User named Berber create user berber with superuser password 'good-cat';
  3. Quit SQL \q
  4. Log-in as your Super User psql -U berber postgres good-cat
  5. See who you are select current_user
  6. Create a normal user user alycia with password 'good-cat-mom';
  7. Quit and log-in with your normal user \q psql -U alycia postgres
  8. Log back in as yourself, and drop normal user and super user. psql (default user is a super) drop user alycia drop user berber
  9. Create a database create database cat_database
  10. View all databases in your RDBMS \list
  11. Create database for a normal user as your super user. create database berber_db with owner berber;.
  12. Get rid of database drop database
  13. See all the users in your database \du
  14. See all tables in your database \dt
  15. Create a table in your database

  16. Lookup definition of a specific table \d people
  17. Delete your people table and remake it drop table people
  18. Remake people

  19. Create Pet Table w/ references to people table

Database Lingo