Databases, SQL, and Sequelize (Week 10) - Learning Objectives

Assessment Structure

Portfolio Quality, RDBMS and Database Entitities (W10D1) - Learning Objectives

Portfolio Quality (Not directly assessed)

  1. Recall the items recruiters are most interested in
  2. Explain aspects of a good looking Web application
  3. Identify App Academy’s expectations of your projects for after you graduate
  4. Practice good code hygiene when making projects live

RDBMS and Database Entities

  1. Define what a relational database management system is
  2. Describe what relational data is
  3. Define what a database is
  4. Define what a database table is
  5. Describe the purpose of a primary key
  6. Describe the purpose of a foreign key
  7. Describe how to properly name things in PostgreSQL
  8. Install and configure PostgreSQL 12, its client tools, and a GUI client for it named Postbird
  9. Connect to an instance of PostgreSQL with the command line tool psql
  10. Identify whether a user is a normal user or a superuser by the prompt in the psql shell
  11. Create a user for the relational database management system
  12. Create a database in the database management system
  13. Configure a database so that only the owner (and superusers) can connect to it
  14. View a list of databases in an installation of PostgreSQL
  15. Create tables in a database
  16. View a list of tables in a database
  17. Identify and describe the common data types used in PostgreSQL
  18. Describe the purpose of the UNIQUE and NOT NULL constraints, and create columns in database tables that have them
  19. Create a primary key for a table
  20. Create foreign key constraints to relate tables
  21. Explain that SQL is not case sensitive for its keywords but is for its entity names

SQL (W10D2) - Learning Objectives


  1. How to use the SELECT ... FROM ... statement to select data from a single table
  2. How to use the WHERE clause on SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements to narrow the scope of the command
  3. How to use the JOIN keyword to join two (or more) tables together into a single virtual table
  4. How to use the INSERT statement to insert data into a table
  5. How to use an UPDATE statement to update data in a table
  6. How to use a DELETE statement to remove data from a table
  7. How to use a seed file to populate data in a database

SQL (continued) (W10D3) - Learning Objectives

SQL (continued)

  1. How to perform relational database design
  2. How to use transactions to group multiple SQL commands into one succeed or fail operation
  3. How to apply indexes to tables to improve performance
  4. Explain what and why someone would use EXPLAIN
  5. Demonstrate how to install and use the node-postgres library and its Pool class to query a PostgreSQL-managed database
  6. Explain how to write prepared statements with placeholders for parameters of the form “$1”, “$2”, and so on

ORM (W10D4) - Learning Objectives


  1. How to install, configure, and use Sequelize, an ORM for JavaScript
  2. How to use database migrations to make your database grow with your application in a source-control enabled way
  3. How to perform CRUD operations with Sequelize
  4. How to query using Sequelize
  5. How to perform data validations with Sequelize
  6. How to use transactions with Sequelize