Make it Pretty
- Keep in mind the actual engineers will not be looking at your projects first, the non-technical recruiters will be doing so (so make your projects beautiful and well designed!)
- What recruiters are looking for:
Attributes of Great Looking Websites
- Every element should have padding and a margin.
- Sibling elements should not touch or overlap.
- Have balanced whitespace.
Additional Requirements
Seed Data
Demo Login
Console Output
Personal Links
Avoid These Things
- Fonts that look like handwriting.
- Over using accent colors.
- Themes that relate to specific holidays.
- Dead Links.
- Linking to the actual site you are cloning.
- Neon, bright, or crazy colors.
- Having too many different colors in your app.
For the Love of Data
- Databases power our internet and our applications.
Relational Database Management Systems
- When we install a RDBMS our our PC, our PC becomes a Database System.
- Some popular RDBMS: Oracle, MySQL, MS SQLServer, Postgres SQL…
- Software Apps connect to Databases so that the users of those apps can access data.
- Types of Users:
- Normal Users: Those who can just access data.
- Super Users: Can create and manipulate aspects of your database.
- Keep as little Super Users as possible.
- Place where we store data.
- Data is stored in tables, tables are inter-related with one another (this is why it is called Relational Database)
- Contains an ID column (that provides a unique IQ for every row of the table)
- Contains a Type column that indicates the data type that is being stored.
- Every row is a record in the database.
Creating Database Entities
- Log into PSQL
- Create a Super User named Berber
create user berber with superuser password 'good-cat';
- Quit SQL
- Log-in as your Super User
psql -U berber postgres
- See who you are
select current_user
- Create a normal user
user alycia with password 'good-cat-mom';
- Quit and log-in with your normal user
psql -U alycia postgres
- Normal Users cannot create databases, they can only view, select and insert data.
- Log back in as yourself, and drop normal user and super user.
(default user is a super) drop user alycia
drop user berber
- Create a database
create database cat_database
- View all databases in your RDBMS
- Create database for a normal user as your super user.
create database berber_db with owner berber;
- The normal user will have full control over this granted DB.
- Can’t create duplicate usernames.
- Get rid of database
drop database
- See all the users in your database
- See all tables in your database
Create a table in your database
- Lookup definition of a specific table
\d people
- Delete your people table and remake it
drop table people
Remake people
Create Pet Table w/ references to people table
Data Types: Text (unlimited) VARCHAR(limit), always user VC if there can be a character limit.
Always pick the smallest value type in your database.
End all SQL commands with a semi-colon.
Serial datatype creates a unique serial number.
Primary Key indicates the most significant way to identify each row of data.
References keep our database clean, using foreign keys maintains our database integrity.
Database Lingo
: Software application that you can run so that your programs can connect and store, modify, and retrieve data. (We will be using PostgreSQL)
Database or Relational Database
: Collection of structures data that the RDBMS manages for you. (One RDBMS can have hundreds of Databases!)
: Structured Query Language, which is a declarative programming language.
- SQL works on sets of records.
- Using SQL takes two steps:
- Connect to an RDBMS with a user acccess.
- Issue SQL Statements to alter structure of DB or data inside those DB’s.
Some popular RDBMS include: Informix, Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle DB, SQLite.