Phase 4 - Changing NavLink’s Active Class

You’ve already set up NavLink to bold the link text using the .active class in src/index.css. But what if you wanted this class to be something else? For instance, what if you want your main color links (Red, Green, Blue, Violet) to be styled differently when active than your sub-route links (Red Only, Add Orange, Add Yellow, etc.).

You can set the class that React Router sets to an active NavLink by adding the activeClassName prop.

For instance, when we are at a route matching the below NavLink’s to prop, the component will have a class of .parent-active applied:

<NavLink to="/blue" activeClassName="parent-active" >

This allows us much more flexibility to style an active NavLink!

Using the example above, add an activeClassName prop to each of your NavLinks in src/components/Rainbow.js. Now, add some CSS styling for that class in your src/index.css to distinguish your main and your sub-route links.