Adding a Provider to the App Component

The Provider component expects a value property to set the context passed throughout your application. You need to wrap your Parent components with provider component tags to give them access to the context.


<SampleContext.Provider value={/* some value */}>
  <ParentComponent />

Now, our ParentComponent and ALL of it’s children will have the ability to access whatever is stored under value via context.

We must import SampleContext (or whatever we’ve named the context) into our files.

How do we decide which Component to wrap with our Provider?

When building our application, if we find a component which has the following properties:

  1. Holds values in its state
  2. These values need to be passed as props multiple levels down
  3. These changes in state will be infrequent

Then that component is a good choice to wrap with a provider component.

How do we refactor a component to be wrapped by a Provider?

  1. Since our component, MyComponent, wold need to have it’s own state, it will be a class component (for now, wait till next week!).

  2. Instead, we will make a new class with the term -WithContext added to the end of our original component’s name, MyComponentWithContext.

  3. We will refactor our original component so that it is now a functional component and all initialization and changes to state and any relevant methods will now take place in our new -WithContext component.

  4. In our -WithContext component, any relevant events should be set as key-value pairs in the component’s state.

  5. In the render method of our new class component, MyComponentWithContext, we will return our original component, MyComponent, wrapped by a provider component.



class MyComponent extends React.Component {
    this.state = {
      relevant: someValue;

  handleEvent = () => {
    // Logic to handle some event, updates state

  render() {
        <ChildComponent handleEvent={this.handleEvent}/>

export default MyComponent;


import React from 'react';
import SampleContext from '../contexts/SampleContext.js';

const MyComponent = props => {
  return (
      <ChildComponent />

class MyComponentWithContext extends React.Component {
    this.state = {
      relevant: someValue,
      handleEvent: this.handleEvent,

  handleEvent = () => {
    // Logic to handle some event
      //some object 

  render() {
        value = {
          relevant: this.state.relevant, 
          handleEvent: this.state.handleEvent
        <MyComponent relevant={this.state.relevant}/>

export default MyComponentWithContext;