Intro to ES6 Modules

Now, you will learn more about ES6 module syntax and how it is used to export and import items between different files. You’ll compare the differences between managing exports with ES6 module syntax vs CommonJS module syntax. At the end of this article, you will understand how to manage your exports and imports with ES6’s:

Exporting one item per file

You cannot export multiple items per file by using an export default statement with ES6 module syntax. For instance, the example below will only export the Wallet class from the file.

ES6 modules

export default class Wallet {
  // ...

// sayHello will not be exported
function sayHello() {

The export default statement is equivalent to using module.exports to directly export one item from a file using (instead of an object).

CommonJS modules

class Wallet {
  // ...

// sayHello will not be exported
function sayHello() {

module.exports = Wallet;

Exporting multiple items per file

You can export multiple items per file by using the export keyword (without the default keyword) with ES6 module syntax. Using ES6’s export, you have two options for exporting items. You can export each item as you define it. With ES6 modules, the preferred method to export multiple functions or classes from a single file is to export each function or class as it’s defined.

ES6 modules (parts of an export)

export class Wallet {
  // ...

export function sayHello() {

export const sayHi = () => {

Alternatively, you can refer to each item by name and export them all within an object. This is the unpreferred method to export multiple functions or classes.

ES6 modules (export object)

class Wallet {
  // ...

function sayHello() {

const sayHi = () => {

export {

Using ES6’s export keyword is similar to how you can export classes and functions as individual parts of an export or an export object with CommonJS module syntax. Unlike with ES6 modules, the preferred method to export multiple items from a single file with CommonJS modules is to export an object with module.exports.

CommonJS modules (export object)

class Wallet {
  // ...

function sayHello() {

const sayHi = () => {

module.exports = {

Importing with ES6 vs CommonJS

ES6 modules CommonJS modules
import { Wallet } from './wallet'; const { Wallet } = require('./wallet');
import * as fs from 'fs'; const fs = require('fs');

Although calls to the require method can be anywhere in a JavaScript file using CommonJS modules, this is not the case for ES6 modules. For ES6 modules, the import statements must always be at the top of the file because imports have to occur before the rest of the file’s code runs.

CommonJS modules

let { Wallet } = require('./wallet');

const wallet = new Wallet();

let fs = require('fs');

ES6 modules

import { Wallet } from './wallet';
import * as fs from 'fs';

const wallet = new Wallet();

Unnamed default imports

You can give unnamed items that are exported with export default any name you want when importing them. For example, imagine if you export default a Wallet class from a file name wallet.js. When you import the Wallet class into newFile.js, you can rename the Wallet class because of how you used export default to export the class from the wallet.js file.


export default class Wallet {
  // ...


import Money from 'wallet.js';

const wallet = new Money();

However, if you used the export instead of export default, you are using a named export. With named exports, the import names have to exactly match.


export class Wallet {
  // ...


import { Wallet } from 'wallet.js';

const wallet = new Wallet();

Aliasing imports

You can use an asterisk (*) to import an entire module’s contents. Note that you must alias your imported object using the as keyword to be able to refer to it later. Aliasing can be used to namespace all the exported functions, constants, etc. from a file to wrap them into a single, easily referenced object.


export function sayHello() {

export const sayHi = () => {


import * as Greetings from 'greetings.js';

Greetings.sayHello(); // Hello!
Greetings.sayHi();    // Hi!

You can also use aliasing to rename identically named functions or items from different files. For example, take the two Wallet classes below. Both classes are named Wallet, but they come from different files. The Wallet from the wallet1 file is aliased as W1 while the Wallet from the wallet2 file is aliased as W2 to differentiate between the two Wallet classes.

import { Wallet as W1 } from './wallet1';
import { Wallet as W2 } from './wallet2';

const w1 = new W1();
const w2 = new W2();

Browser support for ES6 Modules

ES6 modules can only be used when a file is specified as a module. You can use an HTTP server to serve an HTML file with a <script> tag of type="module". By running a local web server, you gain browser support for ES6 module syntax by using a <script> tag in an HTML file to specify a JavaScript file as an ES6 module (not just a normal JavaScript file). Note the <script> tag of type="module" below:

<script type="module" src="./wallet.js"></script>


Follow the guidelines below to use an HTTP server and import JavaScript files with ES6 module syntax:

  1. Create a folder with an index.html file. Fill in the file with the contents below. Note the use of the type="module" attribute in the <script> tag. You must include the .js file extension in the name of the module (./program.js). The browser needs to know the entire name of the JavaScript file it will be loading from a server. html <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Browser</title> </head> <body> <button id="button">Start Game</button> <div id="message"></div> <script type="module" src="./program.js"></script> </body> </html>
  2. Create a game.js file with the contents below: ```js export class Game { constructor() { this.gameStartMessage = “Hello! Do you want to play a game?”; }

    start() { document .getElementById(‘button’) .addEventListener(‘click’, () => { const messageContainer = document.getElementById(‘message’); messageContainer.innerText = this.gameStartMessage; }); } } ```
  3. Create a program.js file with the contents below: ```js import { Game } from ‘./game.js’;

    window.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, () => { const game = new Game(); game.start(); }); ```
  4. Make sure you are in the directory of your HTML and JavaScript files set up an HTTP server with python3 -m http.server to serve the index.html file to the browser.
  5. When the browser reads the index.html file, it will read the <script> tag and know that the JavaScript file is using ES6 module syntax (type="module") to load the program.js file.
  6. The browser will start reading the program.js file from top to bottom, reading the import { Game } from './game.js'; statement first. Note that the .js file extension must be present for the browser to know the entire name of the JavaScript file to load from the server.
  7. The browser will then load the game.js file and all the code in the loaded JavaScript files will run!

What you’ve learned

In this reading, you learned about managing exports and imports with ES6 modules and how using ES6 modules compares to using CommonJS modules. You learned that: