1. There are 2 types of exports:
    1. Named Exports
    2. Default Exports
  2. You can have as many named exports as you want in a file/module.
    But you can only have ONE default export.

  3. You can export any data structure you choose.

  4. If you do not export a variable or function from the file it will not be accessible to other files/modules

Named Export Examples

export const str = 'Hello World';

export const num1 = 100;
export const num2 = 200;

export const array = ['apple', 'pear', 'banana'];

export const obj = {
  firstName: 'Foo',
  lastName: 'Bar'

export function add(number1, number2) {
  return number1 + number2;

You Can Only Have One Default export per module/file

export default subtract(number1, number2){
return number1 - number2;

This also applies to components. If you have more than one component in the same file to export, you can only export default one of them

Go to Imports to see how to import

  1. Learning Objectives, (no answers)
  2. Learning Objectives With Answers
  3. Imports CheatSheet
  4. Exports CheatSheet
  5. Imports, Exports One-to-One