Imports are handled differently in ES6 Modules than in CommonJS. We use import <name> from <file or package> to import in ES6

Importing Named Exports
We import Named Exports using curly braces

import { num1, num2, array, obj, add } from './exports';

Also, when we are importing a JavaScript file, Create-React-App will automatically look for the extension. So there is no need to add it.

Importing Default Exports
We Import Default Exports by giving a name of our choosing for the default export and then importing it from the file.

// this will import the default variable from the file
import Subtraction from './imports';

We also have the ability to create aliases on Named Exports.

import { num1 as myNumber1, num2 as myNumber2 } from './exports';

Go to Exports to see how to export.

  1. Learning Objectives, (no answers)
  2. Learning Objectives With Answers
  3. Imports CheatSheet
  4. Exports CheatSheet
  5. Imports, Exports One-to-One