Explain how React uses a tree data structure called the virtual DOM to model the DOM
The virtual DOM is a copy of the actual DOM tree. Updates in React are made to the virtual DOM. React uses a diffing algorithm to reconcile the changes and send the to the DOM to commit and paint.
Create virtual DOM nodes using JSX
To create a React virtual DOM node using JSX, define HTML syntax in a JavaScript file.
Here, the JavaScript hello variable is set to a React virtual DOM h1 element with the text “Hello World!”.
You can also nest virtual DOM nodes in each other just like how you do it in HTML with the real DOM.
Use debugging tools to determine when a component is rendering
We use the React DevTools extension as an extension in our Browser DevTools to debug and view when a component is rendering
Describe how JSX transforms into actual DOM nodes
To transfer JSX into DOM nodes, we use the ReactDOM.render method. It takes a React virtual DOM node’s changes allows Babel to transpile it and sends the JS changes to commit to the DOM.
Use the ReactDOM.render
method to have React render your virtual DOM nodes under an actual DOM node
Attach an event listener to an actual DOM node using a virtual node
To add an event listener to an element, define a method to handle the event and associate that method with the element event you want to listen for:
to stand up a new React application and import needed assets
We create the default create-react-application by typing in our terminal
npx gives us the latest version. --use-npm
just means to use npm instead of yarn or some other package manager
Construct a custom ‘create-react-app’ template and use it to start a new application
We have a special App Academy template which we create by using:
Pass props into a React component
is an object that gets passed down from the parent component to the child component. The values can be of any data structure including a function (which is an object)
function NavBar() {
return (
<h1>Pet App</h1>
// props being passed in component
<NavLinks hello='world' />
You can also interpolate values into JSX. Set a variable to the string, “world”, and replace the string of “world” in the NavLinks JSX element with the variable wrapped in curly braces:
function NavBar() {
const world = 'world';
return (
<h1>Pet App</h1>
//props passes as a variable
<NavLinks hello={world} />
Accessing props To access our props object in another component we pass it the props argument and React will invoke the functional component with the props object.
function NavLinks(props) {
return (
<a href='/hello'>{props.hello}</a>
<li className='selected'>
<a href='/pets'>Pets</a>
<a href='/owners'>Owners</a>
You can pass down as many props keys as you want.
Destructure props
You can destructure the props object in the function component’s parameter.
// ./src/index.js
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import App from './App';
const Root = () => {
return (
<App />
<Root />
Above you import your BrowserRouter with which you can wrap your entire route hierarchy. This makes routing information from React Router available to all its descendent components.
Then in the component of your choosing, usually top tier such as App.js, you can create your routes using the Route and Switch Components
Generate navigation links using components from the react-router-dom package
We create links by either using React Router’s Link
or NavLink
. They issue an on-click navigation event to a route defined in your app’s router. Either renders an anchor tag with a correctly set href attribute. The difference between Link
and NavLink
is that NavLink has the ability to add extra styling when the path it links to matches the current path.
Use React Router params to access path variables
A component’s props can also hold information about a URL’s parameters. The router will match route segments starting at : up to the next /, ?, or #. Such segments are wildcard values that make up your route parameters.
Accessing Parameters
We access these parameters in our component by using the useParams function from react-router-dom.
hook returns a history object that has convenient methods for navigation. history lets you update the URL programmatically For example, suppose you want to push a new URL when the user clicks a button. It has two useful methods:
We can push the user to the location of our choosing by naming the route we are pushing them to:
import {useHistory} from 'react-router-dom'
export default function Example() {
// history object is returned from useHistory hook and has various methods
const history = useHistory();
// Pushing a new URL
const handleClick = () => history.push('/some/url');
Redirect users by using the
The to
The default state can be of any data structure.
Initialize and update state within a function component.
Use the useEffect hook to trigger an operation as a result of a side effect.
useEffect is a function that takes two arguments, a callback function and a dependency array. The callback function is the ‘effect’. The dependency array delegates when the useEffect function will be invoked based on state and/or props.
By using the useEffect Hook, you tell React that your component needs to do something after render. React will remember the function you passed (referred to as “the effect”), and call it later after performing the DOM updates.
We use useEffect to control our side-effects. Side effects include, manually touching the DOM, timers, data fetching, subscriptions, etc.
import { useEffect } from 'react';
export default function Example() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
document.title = `You have clicked the button ${count} times.`;
}, [count]);
return (
<h1>You have clicked the button {count} times</h1>
<button onClick={() => setCount((prevCount) => prevCount + 1)}>
Describe the three ways in which a re-render can be triggered for a React component.
Optimize your application’s performance by using useCallback.
We optimize performance by using useCallback
when a function has been passed to a component where the component only needs to re-render based on its state or props value.
Use case: You want to send both a function and a value to a child component. However, the child component ONLY wants to re-render based on the value, NOT the function.
takes a functino and a dependency array (similar to useEffect
import { useCallback } from 'react';
export default function Example({ term }) {
const hanldeClickItem = useCallback(
(event) => console.log('You clicked me', event.target),
<MyList term={term} onClick={handleClickItem}>
Normally, the onClick
prop would cause the child to re-render every time state in the parent component changed, even if the child was not listening for it. useCallback
will prevent this behavior.
Construct a form that can capture user data using common form inputs.
import { useState } from 'react';
function ContactUs() {
const [name, setName] = useState('');
const [email, setEmail] = useState('');
const [phone, setPhone] = useState('');
const [comments, setComments] = useState('');
return (
<h2>Contact Us</h2>
<label htmlFor='name'>Name:</label>
<input id='name' type='text' value={name} />
<label htmlFor='email'>Email:</label>
<input id='email' type='text' value={email} />
<label htmlFor='phone'>Phone:</label>
onChange={(e) => setPhone(e.target.value)}
<label htmlFor='comments'>Comments:</label>
onChange={(e) => setComments(e.target.value)}
export default ContactUs;
Describe a controlled input.
IMPORTANT A React form input with value
and onChange
Handle form submission.
To submit a form we create a submission function. It takes an event as an argument. We must first prevent the default html actions from taking over by using event.preventDefualt()
Then we can create a new data structure to hold our information, usually an object. This object can then be set to state, or passed to your database through your backend API using fetch.
const onSubmit = (event) => {
// Prevent the default form behavior
// so the page doesn't reload.
// Create a new object for the contact us information.
const contactUsInformation = {
// we can now make an api call to our backend to POST our information
Implement form validations.
Frontend validation DOES NOT replace backend validations. We can implement form validations using vanilla js in our component:
const validate = () => {
const validationErrors = [];
if (!name) validationErrors.push('Please provide a Name');
if (!email) validationErrors.push('Please provide an Email');
return validationErrors;
const onSubmit = (e) => {
// Prevent the default form behavior so the page doesn't reload.
//create errors array
const errors = validate();
// If we have validation errors...
if (errors.length > 0) {
// Update the state to display the validation errors.
} else {
//Create a new object for the contact us information.
const contactUsInformation = {
// clear validation errors
Create a React wrapper component
In React we can create a parent wrapper component that can render its children dynamically. Each React component has a props property called children. This is a reserved property that holds an array of all the children components wrapped by the parent component.
Create a React provider component that will manage the value of a Context
We include the Provider Component inside the wrapper. It must include the exact key word value as a prop and pass its values in any chosen data structure. Values include strings, functions, objects etc.
Share and manage global information within a React application using Context
We can share global information within a React application by using the createContext function from React to create a global object. We declare and export a variable with the context to make it available to other components. CreateContext accespts an argument which will be used as the default value. It will be overriden if context is defined inside the Provider Component.
import { createContext } from 'react';
import {PupContext} from './context/PupContext'
// create Context object to hold our Global information
export const PupContext = createContext();
export default function PupProvider(props) {
return (
<PupContext.Provider value={/* some value*/}>
We use the wrapper to wrap a parent component with the global context. Any descendants of this component will also have access to global state.
Retrieve values from a Context throughout your application
We retrieve values from a context using the useContext hook and the created Context.
Describe the relationships between provider, consumer, and context
Context allows “global” data in a React application and stores a single value. A context’s Provider is used to wrap a React application to enable all components in the application to access the context’s value. A Consumer is a React component that reads a context’s value.