Intro to Redux

Redux is a package that we use to manage data flow throughout our application.


The store holds the global state of our entire application. It also gives us methods to show the current state and to trigger a change in the state.

store methods:


An action is a POJO with a type key and optional payload keys. The type key needs to be a string that uniquely identifies the action.

Example of an action:

  [optional payload keys]

An action creator is a function that returns an action. It’s used to define customized payloads.

Example of an action creator:

const changeSomething = (payload) => {
  return {

Actions define the triggers of change to the Redux store state. To trigger a change, you need to call the store’s dispatch method and with an action as an argument.


A reducer dictates how the state should change based on an action’s type. A reducer is a function that returns a new state if the state needs to be changed. Otherwise, it returns the old state unchanged.

Example of a reducer:

const reducer = (state = {}, action) => {
  // state = current state
  let newState;
  switch (action.type) {
      newState = { ...state };
      // do something with the newState
      return newState;
      newState = { ...state };
      // do something with the newState
      return newState;
      return state; // if no action.type matches, then return default state
Redux Flow
Redux Flow