Higher-Order Component (HOC)

Higher-order components, or HOCs, receive a React component as an argument and return a new component.


  1. ProtectedRoute- This will redirect a user to the /login if there is no currentUserId
  export const ProtectedRoute = ({ component: Component, path, currentUserId, exact }) => {
    return (
        render={(props) =>
          currentUserId ? <Component {...props} /> : <Redirect to="/login" />
  1. AuthRoute- This will redirect a user to / if there is a currentUserId
  export const AuthRoute = ({ component: Component, path, currentUserId, exact }) => {
    return (
        render={(props) =>
          currentUserId ? <Redirect to="/" /> : <Component {...props} />

React-Redux Library

We use the React-Redux library to improve how React Components interact with the Redux store.

The React-Redux library has two main parts- The <Provider /> component and connect function.

To use the React-Redux library we must * npm install react-redux

Other installs in this lesson: * redux-logger * redux-thunk

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