The Rest Of It

You have now been given instructions on how to refactor components from managing global application state to putting it in Redux. There are two more pieces left, the “select the current Pokemon” functionality and the “create a new Pokemon” functionality. Refactor the application so those are Redux-supported, as well.

Select the current Pokemon

The place to start, here, is to determine how the click of the navigation item on the left gets handled. It’s a NavLink, so the BrowserRouter in the App component handles that by routing to the PokemonBrowser with the route parameters. The PokemonBrowser then routes to the PokemonDetail with a Route component. In the PokemonDetail component, if the value of the changes, then the loadPokemon method is called which, in turn, makes an AJAX call. And, there it is! The AJAX call.

This is like everything else, create a thunk, an action type, yada yada yada.

Creating a new Pokemon

This is very similar to the login stuff you did with LoginPanel. In the PokemonForm, have

In moving the Pokemon type fetching from the state to the props, you may end up getting an error that there is no method “map” of undefined. If that’s the case, in the reducer in your src/store/pokemon.js file, have the default state include an array for the “types” property.

export default function reducer(state = { types: [] }, action) {

That’s the power of default parameters and initial state!

The action types, action creators, and thunk created to do this should go into the src/store/pokemon.js module. When the AJAX call succeeds to create the new Pokemon, have it then dispatch the getPokemon thunk to get a new list of Pokemon. Redux and React will add a new Pokemon to the end of the list. That’s why you have to provide the “key” property in lists of things, so that React will efficiently determine if something in the list needs to get changed, added, or deleted.

The only “new” part, here, is the coordination between PokemonForm and PokemonBrowser to determine if it should show a form. This is up to you to decide, if showing the create form is part of the global application state (and should exist in the Redux store), or if it is part of the “local” state between the two components and be managed by PokemonForm invoking a function passed to it by PokemonBrowser. The solution choose the former solution.

Bonus: Extend the functionality

Think about adding

Bonus: Connected React Router

Rather than relying on Redirect routes in your application, you can use actions to manage the URL of your application. Install Connected React Router and remove all Redirect components from the application, replacing them with dispatched push actions. Check out the How to navigation with Redux action article in the Connected React Router documentation.