Pokedex Hooks: Phase 2

As you might remember from the Redux-based Pokedex project, implementing Redux results in a lot of boilerplate code. Using Redux hooks can help clean up and get rid of a lot of boilerplate code. In this phase you will refactor the Redux-based project to use React hooks and implement Redux hooks!

Using Redux hooks to manage application state

In this phase, you’ll be refactoring all your component files to use Redux hooks instead of the mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, and Redux connect functions. Just like in phase 1, you might hit bugs and break your application while refactoring your application’s components. Make sure to test that your refactored code is working before moving on to refactor the next component. As a general overview, you’ll be refactoring the code for the following components:

  1. LogoutButton
  2. LoginPanel
  3. PokemonDetail
  4. PokemonForm
  5. PokemonBrowser

Refactoring to use useDispatch and useSelector

You’ll need to do some refactoring so that your component doesn’t receive any props. Instead of receiving slices of state and dispatchable action functions as props from the connect wrapper, you will use the useSelector hook to access a slice a state from within the component and the useDispatch hook to dispatch actions from within the component.

Take a look at the LogoutButton component as an example.

Based on the mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps functions in the LogoutButton.js file, you can tell that the component is accessing Redux by receiving loggedOut and logout props.

// We'll convert this into a useSelector hook
const mapStateToProps = state => {
  return {
    loggedOut: !state.authentication.token,

// We'll convert this into a useDispatch hook
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
  return {
    logout: () => dispatch(logout()),

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(LogoutButton);

Take a moment to import the useSelector and useDispatch from the Redux library into the file.

import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux';

Now you’ll use Redux hooks within the LoginButton component so that you can remove the mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, and connect functions!

Refactor mapStateToProps to useSelector

Instead of receiving a loggedOut prop, you’ll use the useSelector hook to access the state’s authentication.token.

Add the useSelector to the top of your component.

const LogoutButton = () => {
  const loggedOut = useSelector(state => !state.authentication.token);


Feel free to visit the Redux Hooks documentation to view useSelector examples.

Then inside the component you can convert the props.loggedOut to simply use the new variable loggedOut

const LogoutButton = () => {
  const loggedOut = useSelector(state => !state.authentication.token);
  if (loggedOut) {
    return <Redirect to="/login" />;

  return (
    <div id="logout-button-holder">
      <button onClick={handleClick}>Logout</button>

Refactor mapDispatchToProps to useDispatch

Notice how the logout thunk action creator function has already been imported into your LogoutButton.js file. You’ll use useDispatch hook to return a reference to the dispatch function from the Redux store:

const dispatch = useDispatch();

Then you can use the dispatch function to dispatch the logout function directly inside the handleClick function instead of doing it in mapDispatchToProps.

So much simpler!

const LogoutButton = () => {
  const loggedOut = useSelector(state => !state.authentication.token);
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  const handleClick = () => dispatch(logout());


Feel free to visit the Redux Hooks documentation to view useDispatch examples.

Removing mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, and connect

Now that we aren’t referencing props.logout and props.loggedOut, you can remove all the old Redux boilerplate code.

Lastly, you’ll want to remove the mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps functions from the file, and replace the connect function to an export statement that exports the LoginButton component by default:

export default LoginButton;

Now that you’ve gone over how to refactor your LogoutButton component, follow the same pattern to implement Redux hooks into your LoginPanel, PokemonDetail, PokemonForm, and PokemonBrowser components.

Router hooks: useParams

Notice the references to the React Router match prop accessed in your PokemonBrowser and PokemonDetail components? Instead of having your component take in a match prop to access the route parameters, you’ll implement the useParams prop and use object destructuring to access the pokemonId parameter in the PokemonBrowser component and the id parameter in the PokemonDetail component. Feel free to visit React Router documentation to view examples of using the useParams hook.

Once you have finished refactoring, take a moment to commit your changes:

git add .
git commit -m "Refactor app to implement redux and react router hooks"

As you can see, refactoring to Functional components with Hooks makes your code much smaller and easier to understand! Going forward with your coding career you’ll probably want to always use hooks instead of class based components, but it’s good that you know how to read class based components and you’ll be able to refactor class based component code to functional hooks components whereever you find them!

Next Phase… Context

Now that you have practiced refactoring your application to implement Redux hooks, it’s time to work on a Context-based project utilizing React’s useContext hook! However we can’t very well do this in our Redux project since it uses Redux to store all of the state instead of Context! So we’ll be starting with an alternative Pokedex project which uses Context instead.