React + Redux

Redux Learning Objectives: Part 2

To keep things as simple as possible when initially learning Redux, you started with using Redux independent of React. Now it’s time to learn how to use Redux within a React application!

After reading and practicing how to use Redux with React, you should be able to:

Using Redux with React

To keep things as simple as possible when initially learning Redux, you started with using Redux independent of React. Now it’s time to learn how to use Redux within a React application!

When you finish this article, you should be able to:

Integrating Redux into a React application

The techniques shown in this article for integrating Redux into a React application, is just one step in your journey to learn Redux. As you work your way through this lesson, you’ll learn how to improve upon these techniques to improve the organization or your code, the design of your components, and the overall performance of your application.

In general, the steps to integrate Redux into an existing React application are:

Note: You’ll start with writing all of the code to interact with the store within each component that needs to render state from the store or to dispatch actions. Later on, you’ll learn how to improve the overall design of your application by using container components. Eventually, you’ll learn how to use the React-Redux library’s connect method to avoid writing container components by hand.

Organizing your Redux code

Instead of placing all of your Redux related code into a single file, you’ll separate your store, reducer, and actions into their own files.

There are a variety of acceptable ways to organize your Redux code within a React project. When starting out with using Redux, organizing your code by type (i.e. separate files or folders for the store, reducers, and actions) often feels natural and makes it easy to find the file that you need to make a change to. As your projects increase in size and complexity, you might find that organizing your files by feature (i.e. locating all the files related to a feature inside of a single folder) will keep you from searching and jumping around a project that contains hundreds of files.

Note: How a project is organized is highly dependent upon who is working on the project. It’s also not unusual for the organization of a project to evolve and change throughout its lifetime. Don’t struggle too much with deciding on an approach when getting starting a new project. Pick an approach and move on to getting work done!

Following along

If you’d like to follow along, clone the react-fruit-stand-with-react-starter repo.

After cloning the repo, open a terminal and browse to the starter folder within the repo. Run the command npm install to install the project’s dependencies (the redux package is already listed as a dependency). Then use the command npm start to run the Fruit Stand application.

This Fruit Stand example application is a React application created by the Create React App tooling. When running the application using npm start, the application should automatically open in your default browser. If it doesn’t, you can manually browse to http://localhost:3000/ to view the application.

Adding the actions

Within the React project’s src folder, add a folder named actions. Within that folder, add a file named fruitActions.js containing the following code:

// ./src/actions/fruitActions.js

export const ADD_FRUIT = 'ADD_FRUIT';
export const ADD_FRUITS = 'ADD_FRUITS';
export const SELL_FRUIT = 'SELL_FRUIT';
export const SELL_OUT = 'SELL_OUT';

export const addFruit = (fruit) => ({
  type: ADD_FRUIT,

export const addFruits = (fruits) => ({
  type: ADD_FRUITS,

export const sellFruit = (fruit) => ({
  type: SELL_FRUIT,

export const sellOut = () => ({
  type: SELL_OUT,

Adding the reducer

Within the React project’s src folder, add a folder named reducers. Within that folder, add a file named fruitReducer.js containing the following code:

// ./src/components/fruitReducer.js

import {
} from '../actions/fruitActions';

const fruitReducer = (state = [], action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case ADD_FRUIT:
      return [...state, action.fruit];
    case ADD_FRUITS:
      return [...state, ...action.fruits];
    case SELL_FRUIT:
      const index = state.indexOf(action.fruit);
      if (index !== -1) {
        // remove first instance of action.fruit
        return [...state.slice(0, index), ...state.slice(index + 1)];
      return state; // if action.fruit is not in state, return previous state
    case SELL_OUT:
      return [];
      return state;

export default fruitReducer;

Adding the store

Within the React project’s src folder, add a file named store.js containing the following code:

// ./src/store.js

import { createStore } from 'redux';
import fruitReducer from './reducers/fruitReducer';

const store = createStore(fruitReducer);

export default store;

Writing Redux aware React components

Remember that the integration techniques shown in this article are just a starting point with using Redux with React components. As you work your way through this lesson, you’ll learn how to improve upon these techniques.

Listening for state changes

Components that need to render state from the store can use the store.subscribe method to subscribe to listen for state updates. When a state update occurs, the forceUpdate method is called to render the component. Within the component’s render method, the store.getState method is called to retrieve the current state. This approach ensures that whenever state is updated in the store (after the reducer has processed a dispatched action), the component will retrieve and render the updated state.

Note: Calling forceUpdate causes render to be called without first calling shouldComponentUpdate. Child components will go through their normal lifecycle, including calling shouldComponentUpdate to determine if the child component should render. While this pattern works, it’s a rather blunt instrument for complex components, since re-rendering a parent causes re-rendering of all its children. Later in this lesson, you’ll learn how the React-Redux library solves this problem.

The componentDidMount and componentWillUnmount class component lifecycle methods can be used to ensure that the component subscribes to the store when it’s mounted and unsubscribes from the store when the component is about to be unmounted:

// ./src/components/FruitList.js

import React from 'react';
import store from '../store';

class FruitList extends React.Component {
  componentDidMount() {
    this.unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => {

  componentWillUnmount() {
    if (this.unsubscribe) {

  render() {
    const fruit = store.getState();

    return (
        {fruit.length > 0
          ? <ul>{fruit.map((fruitName, index) => <li key={index}>{fruitName}</li>)}</ul>
          : <span>No fruit currently in stock!</span>

export default FruitList;

Dispatching actions

Updating a component to dispatch an action to the store is a bit simpler overall than listening for and rendering state updates. You just need to import the appropriate action creator function and use the store.dispatch method within a event handler to dispatch the action:

// ./src/components/FruitQuickAdd.js

import React from 'react';
import store from '../store';
import { addFruit } from '../actions/fruitActions';

class FruitQuickAdd extends React.Component {
  addFruitClick = (event) => {
    const fruit = event.target.innerText;

  render() {
    return (
        <h3>Quick Add</h3>
        <button onClick={this.addFruitClick}>APPLE</button>
        <button onClick={this.addFruitClick}>ORANGE</button>

export default FruitQuickAdd;

Listening for state changes and dispatching actions

Sometimes components need to listen for and render state updates and dispatch actions to the store. The FruitSeller component listens for state updates so that it can render a collection of buttons–one for each distinct fruit available in the fruit stand. The component also handles button clicks to dispatch an action to sell a fruit or to sell out all of the fruits.

Here’s what the component looks like:

// ./src/components/FruitSeller.js

import React from 'react';
import store from '../store';
import { sellFruit, sellOut } from '../actions/fruitActions';

class FruitSeller extends React.Component {
  sellFruitClick = (event) => {
    const fruit = event.target.innerText;

  sellOutClick = () => {

  componentDidMount() {
    this.unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => {

  componentWillUnmount() {
    if (this.unsubscribe) {

  render() {
    const fruit = store.getState();
    const distinctFruit = Array.from(new Set(fruit)).sort();

    if (distinctFruit.length === 0) {
      return null;

    return (
        {distinctFruit.map((fruitName, index) => (
          <button key={index} onClick={this.sellFruitClick}>{fruitName}</button>
        <button onClick={this.sellOutClick}>SELL OUT</button>

export default FruitSeller;

The FruitSeller component is sort of a mash up of the FruitList and FruitQuickAdd components!

Practicing on your own

There’s just one component left to implement: BulkAdd. This is the perfect chance to get a bit of practice on your own to help you cement what you’re learned in this article.

Reviewing a completed Fruit Stand example

To review and run a completed Fruit Stand example application that uses React with Redux, clone the redux-fruit-stand-examples repo.

After cloning the repo, open a terminal and browse to the fruit-stand-redux-with-react folder. Run the command npm install to install the project’s dependencies. Then use the command npm start to run the Fruit Stand application.

This Fruit Stand example application is a React application created by the Create React App tooling. When running the application using npm start, the application should automatically open in your default browser. If it doesn’t, you can manually browse to http://localhost:3000/ to view the application.

What you learned

In this article, you learned how to add Redux actions, reducer(s), and a store to a React project. You also learned how to update a React class component to subscribe to a Redux store to listen for state changes and to dispatch actions to a Redux store.

Splitting and Combining Reducers

So far, you’ve been using a single reducer to manage state in your Redux store. As your applications increase in size and complexity, it’ll become necessary to use multiple reducers, each managing a slice of state.

When you finish this article, you should be able to:

Splitting reducers

Imagine that your fruit stand is extremely successful and it grows so much that you need multiple farmers helping you to keep your stand stocked with fruit. Your application’s state will need to grow to store not only an array of fruit but also a farmers object that keeps track of your farmers.

Here’s a sample state tree of your updated application:

  fruit: [
  farmers: {
    1: {
      id: 1,
      name: 'John Smith',
      paid: false,
    2: {
      id: 2,
      name: 'Sally Jones',
      paid: false,

The store now needs to handle new action types like 'HIRE_FARMER' and 'PAY_FARMER' by updating the farmers slice of state. You could add more cases to your existing reducer, but eventually the existing reducer would become too large and difficult to manage. The solution is to split the reducer into separate fruit and farmers reducers.

Splitting up the reducer into multiple reducers handling separate, independent slices of state is called reducer composition, and it’s the fundamental pattern of building Redux apps. Because each reducer only handles a single slice of state, its state parameter corresponds only to the part of the state that it manages and it only responds to actions that concern that slice of state.

Split up your popular Fruit Stand application’s reducer into two reducers:

// ./src/reducers/fruitReducer.js

import {
} from '../actions/fruitActions';

const fruitReducer = (state = [], action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case ADD_FRUIT:
      return [...state, action.fruit];
    case ADD_FRUITS:
      return [...state, ...action.fruits];
    case SELL_FRUIT:
      const index = state.indexOf(action.fruit);
      if (index) !== -1) {
        // remove first instance of action.fruit
        return [...state.slice(0, index), ...state.slice(index + 1)];
      return state; // if action.fruit is not in state, return previous state
    case SELL_OUT:
      return [];
      return state;

export default fruitReducer;
// ./src/reducers/farmersReducer.js

import { HIRE_FARMER, PAY_FARMER } from '../actions/farmersActions';

const farmersReducer = (state = {}, action) => {
  let nextState = Object.assign({}, state);
  switch (action.type) {
    case HIRE_FARMER:
      const farmerToHire = {
        id: action.id,
        name: action.name,
        paid: false
      nextState[action.id] = farmerToHire;
      return nextState;
    case PAY_FARMER:
      const farmerToPay = nextState[action.id];
      farmerToPay.paid = !farmerToPay.paid;
      return nextState;
      return state;

export default farmersReducer;

You’ll also need to define a module containing the 'HIRE_FARMER' and 'PAY_FARMER' actions:

// ./src/actions/farmersActions.js

export const HIRE_FARMER = 'HIRE_FARMER';
export const PAY_FARMER = 'PAY_FARMER';

export const hireFarmer = (name) => ({
  type: HIRE_FARMER,
  id: new Date().getTime(),

export const payFarmer = (id) => ({
  type: PAY_FARMER,

Combining reducers

Your reducer setup is now much more modular. However, createStore only takes one reducer argument, so you must combine your reducers back into a single reducer to pass to the store. To do this you’ll use the combineReducers method from the redux package and pass it an object that maps state keys to the reducers that handle those slices of state. Below, the combineReducers maps the fruitReducer for the fruit slice of state and the farmersReducer for the farmers slice of state. Invoking the combineReducers function returns a single rootReducer that you can use to create your Redux store.

// ./src/reducers/rootReducer.js

import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import fruitReducer from './fruitReducer';
import farmersReducer from './farmersReducer';

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  fruit: fruitReducer,
  farmers: farmersReducer

export default rootReducer;
import { createStore } from 'redux';
import rootReducer from './reducers/rootReducer';

const store = createStore(rootReducer);

export default store;

Delegating to reducers

Another aspect of reducer composition involves delegating state updates to subordinate reducers. Consider the farmers reducer. You can modify it so that the farmers (plural) reducer delegates to a farmer (singular) reducer whenever a single farmer’s attributes need to be modified (in this case whenever a farmer has been hired or paid):

// ./src/reducers/farmersReducer.js

import { HIRE_FARMER, PAY_FARMER } from '../actions/farmersActions';

const farmerReducer = (state, action) => {
  // State is a farmer object.
  switch (action.type) {
    case HIRE_FARMER:
      return {
        id: action.id,
        name: action.name,
        paid: false
    case PAY_FARMER:
      return Object.assign({}, state, {
        paid: !state.paid
      return state;

const farmersReducer = (state = {}, action) => {
  let nextState = Object.assign({}, state);
  switch (action.type) {
    case HIRE_FARMER:
      nextState[action.id] = farmerReducer(undefined, action);
      return nextState;
    case PAY_FARMER:
      nextState[action.id] = farmerReducer(nextState[action.id], action);
      return nextState;
      return state;

export default farmersReducer;

Catching and preventing state mutation bugs

Updating the farmersReducer to delegate farmer state updates to the farmerReducer resolved a subtle state mutation bug. Take another look at the original implementation of the farmersReducer function:

const farmersReducer = (state = {}, action) => {
  let nextState = Object.assign({}, state);
  switch (action.type) {
    case HIRE_FARMER:
      const farmerToHire = {
        id: action.id,
        name: action.name,
        paid: false
      nextState[action.id] = farmerToHire;
      return nextState;
    case PAY_FARMER:
      const farmerToPay = nextState[action.id];
      farmerToPay.paid = !farmerToPay.paid;
      return nextState;
      return state;

Notice that the state parameter is duplicated to the nextState variable using the Object.assign method:

let nextState = Object.assign({}, state);

While this code correctly creates a duplicate of the state object, nextState is only a shallow duplicate as only the top-level object is duplicated. Each “farmer” object that the state object refers to are still the same objects.

In the PAY_FARMER case clause, the farmer object is mutated by setting the paid property to a new value:

  const farmerToPay = nextState[action.id];
  farmerToPay.paid = !farmerToPay.paid;
  return nextState;

Now look again at the PAY_FARMER case clause in the version of the farmersReducer that delegates farmer state updates to the farmerReducer:

  nextState[action.id] = farmerReducer(nextState[action.id], action);
  return nextState;

This code calls the farmerReducer by passing in the farmer object for the action.id property value (i.e. nextState[action.id]) and the action parameter. The farmerReducer has a PAY_FARMER case clause that correctly uses the Object.assign method to duplicate the farmer object with the new paid property value (i.e. Object.assign({}, state, { paid: !state.paid })):

const farmerReducer = (state, action) => {
  // State is a farmer object.
  switch (action.type) {
    case HIRE_FARMER:
      return {
        id: action.id,
        name: action.name,
        paid: false
    case PAY_FARMER:
      return Object.assign({}, state, {
        paid: !state.paid
      return state;

Catching state mutation bugs is difficult to do. Leveraging patterns like reducer composition can help you from introducing these kinds of bugs in the first place.

Destructuring State in your component

If you try to start your Fruit Stand app now, you will probably get an error that looks something like:

TypeError: object is not iterable (cannot read property Symbol(Symbol.iterator))

That is because there is one last thing that you need to do in order prepare your fruitstand to use these split reducers: make sure that your component is accessing the right slice of state. Back in your FruitList.js render method, you are currently assigning the return value of your getState() call to ‘fruit’.

const fruit = store.getState();

If you console.log or insert a debugger just after this line to see what fruit has been assigned, you will see:

fruit = {
  fruit: [],
  farmers: {}

Your state shape changed when you created these reducers! You component is trying to iterate over your new state shape, instead of the fruit slice of that state. To give the component access to the array of fruit, destructure this assignment:

const { fruit } = store.getState();

Reviewing a completed Fruit Stand example

To review and run a completed Fruit Stand example application that contains multiple reducers, clone the redux-fruit-stand-examples repo.

After cloning the repo, open a terminal and browse to the fruit-stand-redux-with-react-multiple-reducers folder. Run the command npm install to install the project’s dependencies. Then use the command npm start to run the Fruit Stand application.

This Fruit Stand example application is a React application created by the Create React App tooling. When running the application using npm start, the application should automatically open in your default browser. If it doesn’t, you can manually browse to http://localhost:3000/ to view the application.

What you learned

In this article, you learned how to define multiple reducers to manage individual slices of state. You also learned how to use the Redux combineReducers method to combine multiple reducers into a single root reducer and how to update a reducer to delegate a state update to a subordinate reducer.

Container Components

As you saw in an earlier article, there can be quite a bit of code involved in connecting a component to the store. Putting all this code into the component with heavy rendering logic tends to cause bloated components and violates the principle of separation of concerns. Therefore, it’s a common pattern in Redux code to separate presentational components from their connected counterparts, called containers.

When you finish this article, you should be able to:

Comparing presentational and container components

The distinction between presentational components and containers is not technical but rather functional. Presentational components are concerned with how things look and container components are concerned with how things work.

Here’s a table outlining the differences:

Presentational Container
Purpose How things look (markup, styles) How things work (data fetching, state updates)
Aware of Redux No Yes
To Read Data Read data from props Subscribe to Redux state
To Change Data Invoke callbacks from props Dispatch Redux actions

Note: You’ll start with writing all of the code for your container components by hand. Later in this lesson, you’ll learn how to create container components using the React-Redux library’s connect method.

Determining where to create containers

Not every component needs to be connected to the store. Generally, you’ll only want to create containers for the ‘big’ components in your app that represent sections of a page and contain smaller purely functional presentational components. These larger container components are responsible for interacting with the store and passing state and dispatch props down to all their presentational children.

For the Fruit Stand application, a good starting point would be to create two container components, FruitManagerContainer and FarmerManagerContainer, to respectively render the presentational components for the “Fruit” and “Farmers” sections of the page. Here’s a visual representation of that component hierarchy:

├── FruitManagerContainer
│   └── FruitManager
│       ├── FruitList
│       ├── FruitSeller
│       ├── FruitQuickAdd
│       └── FruitBulkAdd
└── FarmerManagerContainer
    └── FarmerManager
        ├── FarmerList
        │   └── Farmer
        └── FarmerHire

Notice that the container component names are a combination of the name of the presentational component that they wrap and the suffix “Container”.

In general, aim to have fewer containers rather than more. Most of the components you’ll write will be presentational, but you’ll need to generate a few containers to connect presentational components to the Redux store.

Writing a container component

While you can write a container component from scratch, you can also refactor an existing React component that interacts with a Redux store into separate container and presentational components.

Using a container component to retrieve state

Here’s the current version of the FruitList component that subscribes to the store (using store.subscribe) to know when state has been updated and calls store.getState to retrieve and render the fruit state slice:

// ./src/components/FruitList.js

import React from 'react';
import store from '../store';

class FruitList extends React.Component {
  componentDidMount() {
    this.unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => {

  componentWillUnmount() {
    if (this.unsubscribe) {

  render() {
    const { fruit } = store.getState();

    return (
        {fruit.length > 0
          ? <ul>{fruit.map((fruitName, index) => <li key={index}>{fruitName}</li>)}</ul>
          : <span>No fruit currently in stock!</span>

export default FruitList;

The FruitManager component is responsible for rendering each of the fruit-related components (i.e. FruitList, FruitSeller, FruitQuickAdd, and FruitBulkAdd), so create a container component named FruitManagerContainer to handle all of the store interaction for the “Fruit” section of the page.

To review, here’s what the component hierarchy will look like:

└── FruitManager
    ├── FruitList
    ├── FruitSeller
    ├── FruitQuickAdd
    └── FruitBulkAdd

As a starting point, here’s the code for the FruitManagerContainer component:

// ./src/components/FruitManagerContainer.js

import React from 'react';
import store from '../store';
import FruitManager from './FruitManager';

class FruitManagerContainer extends React.Component {
  componentDidMount() {
    this.unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => {

  componentWillUnmount() {
    if (this.unsubscribe) {

  render() {
    const { fruit } = store.getState();

    return (
      <FruitManager fruit={fruit} />

export default FruitManagerContainer;

Notice that the container component, just like the original version of the FruitList component, subscribes to the store (using store.subscribe) to know when state has been updated and calls store.getState to retrieve the fruit state slice. But instead of directly rendering the fruit state, it sets a prop on the FruitManager component to pass the state down the component hierarchy.

The FruitManager component receives the fruit prop and in turn uses a prop to pass it down to the FruitList component:

// ./src/components/FruitManager.js

import React from 'react';
import FruitList from './FruitList';
import FruitSeller from './FruitSeller';
import FruitQuickAdd from './FruitQuickAdd';
import FruitBulkAdd from './FruitBulkAdd';

const FruitManager = ({ fruit }) => {
  return (
      <h2>Available Fruit</h2>
      <FruitList fruit={fruit} />
      <h2>Fruit Inventory Manager</h2>
      <FruitSeller />
      <FruitQuickAdd />
      <FruitBulkAdd />

export default FruitManager;

And finally, the FruitList component receives the fruit prop and renders it into an unordered list:

// ./src/components/FruitList.js

import React from 'react';

const FruitList = ({ fruit }) => {
  return (
      {fruit.length > 0
        ? <ul>{fruit.map((fruitName, index) => <li key={index}>{fruitName}</li>)}</ul>
        : <span>No fruit currently in stock!</span>

export default FruitList;

Reminder: Using component props to pass a value down the component hierarchy is known as prop threading.

Notice that the FruitList presentational component, which no longer needs to use the componentDidMount and componentWillUnmount lifecycle methods to subscribe and unsubscribe to the store, can be refactored into a function component. Additionally, the store is no longer imported in the FruitList module, as the FruitList component simply receives and renders the fruit state via a prop without any knowledge of or direct interaction with the store.

Using a container component to dispatch actions

Here’s the current version of the FruitQuickAdd component that dispatches the ADD_FRUIT action to add a fruit to the fruit stand:

// ./src/components/FruitQuickAdd.js

import React from 'react';
import store from '../store';
import { addFruit } from '../actions/fruitActions';

class FruitQuickAdd extends React.Component {
  addFruitClick = (event) => {
    const fruit = event.target.innerText;

  render() {
    return (
        <h3>Quick Add</h3>
        <button onClick={this.addFruitClick}>APPLE</button>
        <button onClick={this.addFruitClick}>ORANGE</button>

export default FruitQuickAdd;

To prepare to refactor the FruitQuickAdd component into a presentational component, update the FruitManagerContainer component to the following code:

// ./src/components/FruitManagerContainer.js

import React from 'react';
import store from '../store';
import { addFruit } from '../actions/fruitActions';
import FruitManager from './FruitManager';

class FruitManagerContainer extends React.Component {
  componentDidMount() {
    this.unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => {

  componentWillUnmount() {
    if (this.unsubscribe) {

  add = (fruit) => {

  render() {
    const { fruit } = store.getState();

    return (
        add={this.add} />

export default FruitManagerContainer;

Notice that the addFruit action creator is imported (at the top of the file) and a new component method named add receives a fruit parameter value and calls store.dispatch to dispatch a ADD_FRUIT action. The render method sets a prop on the FruitManager component to pass the add method down the component hierarchy.

The FruitManager component receives the add prop and in turn uses a prop to pass it down to the FruitQuickAdd component:

// ./src/components/FruitManager.js

import React from 'react';
import FruitList from './FruitList';
import FruitSeller from './FruitSeller';
import FruitQuickAdd from './FruitQuickAdd';
import FruitBulkAdd from './FruitBulkAdd';

const FruitManager = ({ fruit, add }) => {
  return (
      <h2>Available Fruit</h2>
      <FruitList fruit={fruit} />
      <h2>Fruit Inventory Manager</h2>
      <FruitSeller />
      <FruitQuickAdd add={add} />
      <FruitBulkAdd />

export default FruitManager;

And finally, the FruitQuickAdd component receives the add callback function via a prop and calls it within a handleClick event handler, passing in the target button’s inner text:

// ./src/components/FruitQuickAdd.js

import React from 'react';

const FruitQuickAdd = ({ add }) => {
  const handleClick = (event) => add(event.target.innerText);

  return (
      <h3>Quick Add</h3>
      <button onClick={handleClick}>APPLE</button>
      <button onClick={handleClick}>ORANGE</button>

export default FruitQuickAdd;

The change between the original and refactored FruitQuickAdd component isn’t as dramatic as the FruitList component example, but it’s still a significant improvement to the overall separation of concerns. The FruitQuickAdd component is now strictly concerned with rendering the UI and handling user generated events (i.e. button clicks) and the FruitManagerContainer component is now strictly concerned with interacting with the Redux store.

Reviewing the completed container component

The FruitManagerContainer container component can continue to be expanded until each of its child presentational components no longer interact directly with the store. Here’s a look at the completed FruitManagerContainer component:

// ./src/components/FruitManagerContainer.js

import React from 'react';
import store from '../store';
import { addFruit, addFruits, sellFruit, sellOut } from '../actions/fruitActions';
import FruitManager from './FruitManager';

class FruitManagerContainer extends React.Component {
  componentDidMount() {
    this.unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => {

  componentWillUnmount() {
    if (this.unsubscribe) {

  add = (fruit) => {

  addBulk = (fruit) => {

  sell = (fruit) => {

  sellAll = () => {

  render() {
    const { fruit } = store.getState();
    const distinctFruit = Array.from(new Set(fruit)).sort();

    return (
        sellAll={this.sellAll} />

export default FruitManagerContainer;

Reviewing a completed Fruit Stand example

To review and run a completed Fruit Stand example application that utilizes containers, clone the redux-fruit-stand-examples repo.

After cloning the repo, open a terminal and browse to the fruit-stand-redux-with-react-containers folder. Run the command npm install to install the project’s dependencies. Then use the command npm start to run the Fruit Stand application.

This Fruit Stand example application is a React application created by the Create React App tooling. When running the application using npm start, the application should automatically open in your default browser. If it doesn’t, you can manually browse to http://localhost:3000/ to view the application.

What you learned

In this article, you learned how container components differ from presentational components. You also learned how to write a container component to handle all of the Redux store interaction for one or more presentational components.

Freezing Objects

As you learned earlier in this lesson, a reducer must never mutate its arguments. If the state changes, the reducer must return a new object.

JavaScript provides us with an easy way to enforce this. Object.freeze prevents new properties from being added to an object, and also prevents properties currently on an object from being altered or deleted. Essentially, it renders an object immutable, which is exactly what you want.

When you finish this article, you should be able to use Object.freeze to prevent the current state within a reducer from being mutated.

Using Object.freeze to prevent state mutations

By calling Object.freeze(state) at the top of every reducer, you can ensure that the state is never accidentally mutated. For example, this is what your farmer reducer from the Fruit Stand application would look like:

const farmersReducer = (state = {}, action) => {
  let nextState = Object.assign({}, state);
  switch (action.type) {
    case HIRE_FARMER:
      const farmerToHire = {
        id: action.id,
        name: action.name,
        paid: false
      nextState[action.id] = farmerToHire;
      return nextState;
    case PAY_FARMER:
      const farmerToPay = nextState[action.id];
      farmerToPay.paid = !farmerToPay.paid;
      return nextState;
      return state;

Now you can be certain that you won’t accidentally mutate the state within the reducer.

Understanding the difference between deep and shallow freezes

Here’s another example:

const people = { farmers: { name: 'Old MacDonald' } };

When you try to mutate an object that you froze by modifying a property, it will be prevented:

people.farmers = { name: 'Young MacDonald' };
people; // { farmers: { name: 'Old MacDonald' } }

Note: This is not a deep freeze. Object.freeze performs a shallow freeze as it only applies to the immediate properties of the object itself. Nested objects can still be mutated, so be careful. Here’s an example of this:

people.farmers.name = 'Young MacDonald';
people; // { farmers: { name: 'Young MacDonald' } }

Object.freeze and arrays

You can also use Object.freeze to freeze an array, so if a reducer’s state parameter is an array, you can still prevent accidental state mutations:

const fruitReducer = (state = [], action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case ADD_FRUIT:
      return [...state, action.fruit];
    case ADD_FRUITS:
      return [...state, ...action.fruits];
    case SELL_FRUIT:
      const index = state.indexOf(action.fruit);
      if (index !== -1) {
        // remove first instance of action.fruit
        return [...state.slice(0, index), ...state.slice(index + 1)];
      return state; // if action.fruit is not in state, return previous state
    case SELL_OUT:
      return [];
      return state;

When an array is frozen with Object.freeze, its elements cannot be altered and no elements can be added to or removed from the array. Just like with objects, freezing arrays has limitations. If the array’s elements containing objects, properties on those objects can still be mutated.

What you learned

In this article, you learned how to use Object.freeze to prevent the current state within a reducer from being mutated.

Preloaded State

Currently, when the page in the browser is reloaded, any state data stored in the Redux store is lost. Later in this lesson, you’ll learn how to use Redux to interact with an API to persist state data. Until then (or if your React application doesn’t use an API), you can use the combination of Redux’s ability to create a store with preloaded state with the browser’s local storage to persist store state across page reloads.

When you finish this article, you should be able to:

Creating a store with preloaded state

So far, your Redux stores have initialized with no initial state. Sometimes, though, you may want to take pre-existing data and pass it into the store upon initialization. Such data can be passed to the createStore method using the preloadedState argument:

const preloadedState = {
  fruit: [
  farmers: {
    1: {
      id: 1,
      name: 'John Smith',
      paid: false,
    2: {
      id: 2,
      name: 'Sally Jones',
      paid: false,

const store = createStore(rootReducer, preloadedState);

A couple of things to note about preloading state:

Creating local storage helper functions

To assist with using the browser’s local storage to persist a Redux store’s state across page reloads, start with creating a set of helper functions:

// localStorage.js

const STATE_KEY = 'fruitstand';

export const loadState = () => {
  try {
    const stateJSON = localStorage.getItem(STATE_KEY);
    if (stateJSON === null) {
      return undefined;
    return JSON.parse(stateJSON);
  } catch (err) {
    return undefined;

export const saveState = (state) => {
  try {
    const stateJSON = JSON.stringify(state);
    localStorage.setItem(STATE_KEY, stateJSON);
  } catch (err) {

The saveState function is responsible for converting the state parameter value into JSON (using the JSON.stringify method) and saving the state JSON string to the browser’s local storage (using the localStorage.setItem method). A try...catch statement is used to catch and log any errors.

The loadState function is responsible for loading the state JSON from the browser’s local storage (using the localStorage.getItem method). If the state JSON isn’t stored in local storage, undefined is returned so the store’s reducer function can initialize the state to its default value. If the state JSON is successfully retrieved from local storage, it’s parsed into JavaScript objects (using the JSON.parse method) and returned to the caller. A try...catch statement is used to catch and log any errors.

Saving state to local storage

To ensure that the persisted state in local storage doesn’t get out of sync with the store, you want to persist the state whenever it’s updated. Knowing that the store’s reducer is called whenever there’s an action dispatched to update the state, you might be tempted to update your reducer like this:

import {
} from '../actions/fruitActions';
import { saveState } from '../localStorage';

const fruitReducer = (state = [], action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case ADD_FRUIT:
      const nextState = [...state, action.fruit];
      saveState(nextState);  // Persist state data to local storage
      return nextState;

    // Case clauses removed for brevity.

      return state;

export default fruitReducer;

But don’t do this! Per the official Redux docs on reducers, reducers should stay pure and not cause side effects (like calling APIs or persisting data to local storage).

To keep your reducers pure, handle persisting state to local storage in the module where you create your store (store.js) by subscribing to listen for state changes:

import { createStore } from 'redux';
import rootReducer from './reducers/rootReducer';
import { saveState } from './localStorage';

const store = createStore(rootReducer);

store.subscribe(() => {

export default store;

Now whenever the store’s state is updated, the store.getState method is called to get and pass the current state to the saveState method.

Loading state from local storage

Now that you’re persisting state to local storage, you can load state from local storage and pass it to the createStore method as preloaded state:

import { createStore } from 'redux';
import rootReducer from './reducers/rootReducer';
import { loadState, saveState } from './localStorage';

const preloadedState = loadState();

const store = createStore(rootReducer, preloadedState);

store.subscribe(() => {

export default store;

With these updates in place, your Redux store’s state will persist across page reloads.

What you learned

In this article, you learned how to create a Redux store with preloaded state. You also learned how to use the browser’s local storage to persist a Redux store’s state across page reloads.

React and Redux To-Do List Project

Today you’ll be building a to-do list application with React and local storage. Instead of using Context to manage and update your application’s state, you’ll set up a Redux store and interact with it using the store’s getState, dispatch, and subscribe methods.

This project will also give you a better understanding of how to share and update “global” data across a React application by using Redux. You’ll use Redux to dispatch action POJOs through a reducer function, and have your component access an updated version of the Redux store’s state.

In this project, you will:

Phase 1: Set up project and Redux store

Begin by cloning the starter project from https://github.com/appacademy-starters/react-redux-todo-list-starter.

Take a moment to examine the project’s file tree below. In the next few phases, you’ll follow the TODO notes in each file to implement Redux into your React project.

├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── public
│   └── index.html
└── src
    ├── App.js
    ├── actions
    │   └── taskActions.js
    ├── components
    │   ├── Task.js
    │   ├── TodoForm.js
    │   └── TodoList.js
    ├── index.js
    ├── localStorage.js
    ├── reducers
    │   └── tasksReducer.js
    └── store.js

Local storage

Let’s start by setting up some functions in the localStorage.js file to save and load the Redux store’s state with local storage!

In the loadState function, you’ll want to access the stored tasks state from local storage by using the localStorage.getItem method. If there is no state found, return undefined. However, if the state was found, parse the state from JSON into JavaScript and return the parsed state. If any errors were caught, log the errors with a console.warn statement and have the function return undefined.

In the saveState function, you’ll want to parse the state input from JavaScript into a JSON string. When you call the saveState function, you’ll invoke the function with the Redux store’s state accessed with the store.getState method. After parsing the state from JavaScript into a JSON string, set the string into local storage. Lastly, you’ll want to catch any errors with a console.warn statement.

Generate application’s Redux store

Now that you’ve set up some functions to handle accessing and storing the data with local storage, you’ll want to use those functions in the store.js file. In this file, you’ll use Redux’s createStore function to set up your application’s Redux store. As a reminder, the createStore function takes in a reducer as its first argument, and an optional preloaded state, also referred to as initial state, as its second argument.

Use the loadState function you just defined to access the preloadedState. Now you’ll invoke the createStore function with the tasksReducer and the preloadedState to generate the application’s Redux store.

You’ll want your application to update local storage and log the state whenever there an update to the store - this means you’ll want your application to listen for changes to the store with the store.subscribe method and then update local storage with the saveState function and console.log the state upon any change.

Phase 2: Actions and reducers

Now that you have your application’s Redux store set up, it’s time to define some action creator functions and reducers! You’ll define action creator functions in the taskActions.js file and set up corresponding case statements for each action type in the tasksReducer.js file.

Define action creator functions

As a reminder, it is best practice to use constants for action types, instead of string literals, to ensure that errors will be thrown for typos. Start by defining constants for your action types: CREATE_TASK and DELETE_TASK.

Once you have the constants set up, it’s time to define an action creator function for each action type! Start by thinking of what payload information you want your action POJOs to pass into the reducer function.

Define a createTask action creator function that returns actions of type CREATE_TASK. You’ll want type, taskId, and taskMessage payload keys for each CREATE_TASK action POJO. Have the action creator function take in a taskMessage and auto-generate the taskId. You can set the taskId to a time-string that is set when the action creator function is invoked. Generate a new Date object and get its time-string with new Date().getTime(). Set the time-string to the taskId payload key and the taskMessage input to the taskMessage payload key.

Now you’ll want to define the deleteTask action creator function to return actions of type DELETE_TASK. You’ll want the action creator function to take in a taskId. Each DELETE_TASK action POJO should have a type property and a taskId payload key.

Define tasks reducer function

The next step is to finish implementing the tasksReducer! Begin by freezing the state with Object.freeze(state); so that you won’t accidentally mutate the state. As a reminder, Redux follows the immutable state pattern, meaning that a reducer function should never directly mutate state. After freezing the state, import CREATE_TASK and DELETE_TASK string literal constants and set up a switch statement to evaluate a case statement based on each action.type.

In the CREATE_TASK case, you’ll want to make a copy of the state, structure a newTask POJO, and add the newTask into the copy of the state before returning the copy. Define a nextState variable and use spread syntax (...) to make a copy of the state ({ ...state }). Next, you’ll want to structure the newTask POJO to have an id property set to the action’s taskId payload and a message property set to the action’s taskMessage payload.

Once you have finished structuring the newTask POJO, key into the nextState with the new task ID and set the value of nextState[newTask.id] to the newTask. Alternatively, you could use the taskId payload and set the value of nextState[action.taskId] to the newTask (this will also accomplish what we want, which is to set up a nextState with keys that are task IDs and values that are task POJOs). At the end of the CREATE_TASK case statement, return the updated nextState.

In the DELETE_TASK case, you’ll also want to make a copy of the state ({...state }). Set the copy of the state to a stateWithDeletion variable. Since your DELETE_TASK actions have a taskId payload, you can use JavaScript’s delete operator to delete a specific key-value pair from the stateWithDeletion object, based on the taskId payload:

delete stateWithDeletion[action.taskId];

The last thing left in your DELETE_TASK statement is to return the updated stateWithDeletion! If you compare your initial definition of the nextState and stateWithDeletion variables, you’ll see that they are both copies of the state made with spread syntax. Move the nextState variable outside of the switch statement so that both case statements can reference and update the nextState, instead of the DELETE_TASK case statement creating a new copy of the state and updating it.

Phase 3: Dispatch actions from the DevTools console

Now you can test whether you can actually create a task by using the store.dispatch method to dispatch the CREATE_TASK action. As a reminder, dispatching the action will “send” it through the reducer to determine what operation to perform based on the action’s type property. Take a moment to go into your index.js file and import your application’s Redux store and action creator functions:

import { store } from './store';
import { createTask, deleteTask } from './actions/taskActions';

Now that you’ve had the store and actions imported into the file, you can set them as properties to the window object, so that you can access the store and actions from the developer tools console.

window.store = store;
window.createTask = createTask;
window.deleteTask = deleteTask;

At this point, your index.js file should look something like this:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './App';
import { store } from './store';
import { createTask, deleteTask } from './actions/taskActions';

window.store = store;
window.createTask = createTask;
window.deleteTask = deleteTask;

    <App />

Open up your browser’s DevTools console and type window.store. Now you should see the store object and its methods: {dispatch: ƒ, subscribe: ƒ, getState: ƒ, replaceReducer: ƒ, Symbol(observable): ƒ},

Now type window.store.getState(). You should see an empty object - this is the default state (state = {}) that you set up in the tasksReducer.

Since you can access your application’s state from the DevTools console, that means you can also dispatch actions by invoking the window.store.dispatch method with an action:

window.store.dispatch(window.createTask('learn redux'));

You just dispatched a CREATE_TASK action! You’ll see that your updated state was logged - this is because of the console.log statement in the store.subscribe invocation in your index.js file (as you might remember, the store.subscribe method listens for any updates to the store, i.e. dispatch calls). Dispatch another CREATE_TASK action:

window.store.dispatch(window.createTask('learn react hooks'));

Now if you type window.store.getState() again, you’ll see that the state return from the store.getState method is the same plain old JavaScript object as the state that was logged within the store.subscribe invocation.

Now let’s place some debugger statements in the tasksReducer and createTask action creator function! Remember to make sure the debugger statement in your tasksReducer is inside a case statement. If the debugger is between the switch statement and a case statement, you will never hit that breakpoint!

const tasksReducer = (state = {}, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case CREATE_TASK:
export const createTask = (taskMessage) => {
  return ({
    type: CREATE_TASK,
    taskId: new Date().getTime(),

Now dispatch another CREATE_TASK action to hit the two debugger statements you just set:

window.store.dispatch(window.createTask('work on self-care'));

Notice how you are now in the Sources tab of your DevTools looking at the taskActions.js file in your project. You can view the value of the taskMessage argument by hovering over the variable or looking at the local scope variables in the DevTools’ right window.


If you click the blue play button to continue to the next debugger statement, you’ll land in your tasksReducer.js file and be able to hover over the state to view the value of the Redux store’s previous state before the dispatching of the CREATE_TASK action.


Now if you click the blue play button to continue, you’ll exit out of debug mode and your updated state will be logged in the console.

Congratulations! You just used a debugger to follow the Redux flow of dispatching a CREATE_TASK action! Comment out your debugger statements for now. In the next phase, you’ll work on dispatching actions through a user interface.

Phase 4: Dispatch actions from components

Now it’s time to set up a user interface that allows for intuitive dispatching of actions. In the TodoForm component, you’ll set up a button that invokes the createTask action creator function with the inputValue state to dispatch a CREATE_TASK action based on the form input! For each Task component, you’ll set up a button to dispatch a DELETE_TASK action for that task.


In the TodoForm.js file, import your application’s Redux store instance and the createTask action creator function. Now you’ll want to finish the handleSubmit method so that it dispatches a CREATE_TASK action. Invoke the createTask action creator function with the inputValue state and the store.dispatch method with the invoked action creator function.

Take a moment to test out the dispatch call generated by your form submission. Type a task in the input field - when you submit, you should see an updated state logged in the DevTools console with your new task!


In the TodoList.js file, import the application’s Redux store instance and the deleteTask action creator function. Now you’ll set up the component’s componentDidMount and componentDidUnmount life-cycle methods.

In the componentDidMount method, use the store’s subscribe method to force a component to update whenever the state changes:

componentDidMount() {
  this.unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => {

You want to name the subscription as this.unsubscribe, so that you can unsubscribe upon the unmounting of a component. When the componentDidMount life-cycle method is invoked upon the mounting of a component, it will invoke the store.subscribe method to force the component to update whenever the store’s state changes. It will also set a this.unsubscribe variable to the TodoList class, so that this.unsubscribe is accessible from other parts of the component’s code.

In the componentDidUnmount method, you’ll want to check if the component has mounted by checking if this.unsubscribe has been defined. Whenever a component mounts, the this.unsubscribe variable set in the componentDidMount method will become initialize. If this.unsubscribe is undefined, that means that the component has not invoked the componentDidMount method and has therefore not been mounted yet. If this.unsubscribe is defined, you’ll want to invoke this.unsubscribe to have the component unsubscribe from changes once component unmounts:

componentWillUnmount() {
  if (this.unsubscribe) {

In the deleteTask method, you’ll want to wrap the invocation of the deleteTask action creator function with the store.dispatch method. The deleteTask action creator function will be invoked based on the this.deleteTask method’s id input. Later in this phase, you’ll pass the TodoList component’s this.deleteTask method as a deleteTask prop into each Task component. Then, whenever the deleteTask prop is invoked from within a Task component, it can simply be invoked with a task ID to dispatch a DELETE_TASK action without needing to import the store into each Task component to invoke store.dispatch

In the component’s render method, access the tasks stored in the Redux store’s state by invoking the store.getState method and saving its return value to a tasksState variable. Now that you can use a debugger statement to view the state and check out what data you are working with!

If there are no tasks stored in state, you’ll want to have the TodoList component return null. Otherwise if there are tasks stored in state, render a Task component for each of the tasks. For each Task component, you’ll want to use the task’s ID as the key and pass two props: the task object and the this.deleteTask method as a deleteTask prop.


Have the Task function component destructure and take in the deleteTask method and task object props. Invoke the deleteTask function passed as a prop in the Task component’s handleClick method and replace the Hi, I'm a task in your to-do list! placeholder text with the task.message.

As a reminder, the deleteTask action creator function was already wrapped with a store.dispatch call in the TodoList component - this is why the handleClick function in the Task component does not include a store.dispatch invocation. The TodoList component passed the wrapped function as a prop named deleteTask to each Task component. The deleteTask function invoked in the Task component’s handleClick function is the TodoList component’s deleteTask method, not the deleteTask action creator function.

Phase 5: Implement a full Redux cycle

In this phase, you’ll implement a full Redux cycle without the guidance of TODO notes or specific, written instructions. Remember, the debugger statement is your friend! If you get stuck, think of where you can place debugger statements to gain more context about your code. As a general guideline, feel free to follow the steps below:

Congratulations! You have just created an application that uses Redux to manage the application’s information. Give yourself a pat on the back! As a reminder, the Redux library is a highly conceptual library to pick up, and when learning anything new practice always makes perfect! If the implementation of Redux feels confusing, always feel free to step back and use a debugger statement to follow the Redux flow: an action is generated, then the action is dispatched to go through a reducer, and then the store is updated.