Python tool | Node.js equivalent |
pyenv | nvm |
pip | npm –global |
virtualenv | nvm + node_modules |
pipenv | npm + nvm |
Pipfile | package.json |
Review the environment variables set in the shell profile.
Show that you cannot run pytest.
Create a virtual environment tied to a specific Python version.
pipenv install --python "$PYENV_ROOT/versions/3.8.1/bin/python"
Explore the file structure.
Review the Pipfile
’s contents.
python --version
pipenv shell
python --version
which python
Show the version changes and now uses the shim in the .venv
pipenv install pytest
Review the content of the Pipfile
and the Pipfile.lock
Show the packages were added to .venv
Show that you can now run pytest from the command line.
Note that the command prompt changed.
Show that you cannot run pytest, now. It’s in the virtual environment, not in the one that you’re using now.