
Terminal Basics

The terminal is a text based system that allows you, as a user, to control your computer and do everything from creating new files and folders to starting up entire applications.

Descriptions of Programs we Installed

File Tree

Basic Terminal Navigation

Unix refers to the parent operating system upon which Mac is built on and Linux is inspired by.

Navigation Commands

Directory Shortcuts

Using Node JS

Javascript is the language of the internet!

Node REPL vs. Javascript File

Using the Node REPL

To enter the Node REPL simply type node into your terminal, you will be greeted with a > character - here you can type any JS code, and even define functions! (Just keep in mind these will not be saved)

Using Javascript Files

VCSode is an IDE (Interactive Developer Environment).

Please keep in mind that keeping an organized file system will save you a lot of trouble in the future!

VSCode Shortcuts