Problems and Solutions

Different Array Lengths

Write a function diffArrayLen(arr1, arr2) that takes two arrays. The function should return true if the arrays have different lengths. The function should return false otherwise.

function diffArrayLen(arr1, arr2) {
  return arr1.length !== arr2.length;

Average Value

Write a function avgValue(array) that takes in an array of numbers and returns the average number.

function avgValue(array) {
  return array.reduce((a, b) => a + b) / array.length;


Write a function tripler(array) that takes in an array and returns a new array containing 3 times every element of the original array.

function tripler(array) {
  return => n * 3);

Odd Range

Write a function oddRange(end) that takes in a number and returns an array containing all positive odd numbers up to end.

function oddRange(end) {
  return [...Array(end + 1).keys()].filter((n) => n % 2 === 1 && n > 0);

Even Range

Write a function evenRange(start, end) that returns an array containing all even numbers between ‘start’ and ‘end’ in sequential order.

function evenRange(start, end) {
  const _result = [];
  for (let i = start; i <= end; i++) {
    if (i % 2 === 0) {
  return _result;

Reverse String

Write a function reverseString(string) that takes in a hyphenated string and returns a the hyphenated string reversed.

function reverseString(string) {
  return string.split("-").reverse().join("-");

Intersect Arrays

Write a function intersect(arr1, arr2)that takes in two arrays and returns a new array containing the elements common to both arr1 and arr2.

Hint: use indexOf

function intersect(arr1, arr2) {
  return arr2.filter((ele) => arr1.includes(ele));

Fuzz Bizz

Write a function fuzzBizz(max) that returns an array of numbers under the max. Each number should be either divisible by 2 or 7, BUT NOT BOTH.

function fuzzBizz(max) {
  return [...Array(max).keys()].filter(
    (n) => (n % 2 === 0 || n % 7 === 0) && !(n % 2 === 0 && n % 7 === 0)

Mirror Array

Write a function mirrorArray(array) that takes in an array as an argument and returns a new array “mirrored” as shown in the examples:

function mirrorArray(array) {
  return array.slice(0).concat(array.reverse());

Remove Last Vowel

Write a function removeLastVowel(word) that takes in a string and returns the string with its last vowel removed.

const removeLastVowel = (word) => {
  for (let i = word.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
    if ("aeiou".includes(word[i])) {
      return word.slice(0, i) + word.slice(i + 1);
  return word;

Pairs Maker

Write a function pairsMaker(arr) that takes in a an array as an argument. The function should return a 2D array where the subarrays represent unique pairs of element from the input array.

const pairsMaker = (arr) => {
  const _pairs = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    for (let j = i + 1; j < arr.length; j++) {
      _pairs.push([arr[i], arr[j]]);
  return _pairs;

Min Value

Write a function minValue(nums) that takes in an array of numbers as an arg. The function should return the smallest number of the array. If the array is empty, the function should return null.

const minValue = (nums) => {
  if (nums.length === 0) {
    return null;
  return nums.reduce(function (a, b) {
    if (b < a) {
      return b;
    } else {
      return a;


Write a function zip that accepts two arrays as arguments. The function should return a two dimensional array with subarrays of length 2 that contain elements at corresponding indices from the input arrays. You may assume that the input arrays have the same length.

const zip = (arr1, arr2) => {
  const _container = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++) {
    _container.push([arr1[i], arr2[i]]);
  return _container;


Write a function unique that accepts an array as an argument. The function should return a new array containing elements of the input array, without duplicates.

Set Method

const unique = (arr) => Array.from(new Set(arr));

Mark’s Filter Solution

const unique = (arr) => arr.filter((ele, i, self) => i === self.indexOf(ele));

For Each Method

let unique = function (array) {
  let uniques = [];
  array.forEach(function (el) {
    if (!uniques.includes(el)) {
  return uniques;

Digit Sums

Write a function evenishOrOddish that determines whether a number is Oddish or Evenish. A number is Oddish if the sum of all of its digits is odd, and a number is Evenish if the sum of all of its digits is even. If a number is Oddish, return “Oddish”. Otherwise, return “Evenish”.

Proper Modulo Solution

const evenishOrOddish = (n) => {
  let num = n;
  let nums = [];
  while (num !== 0) {
    nums.push(num % 10);
    num -= num % 10;
    num /= 10;
  let sum = nums.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
  return sum % 2 === 0 ? "Evenish" : "Oddish";

Ugly One Liner Meme Solution

const evenishOrOddish = (n) =>
    .reduce((a, b) => Number(a) + Number(b)) %
    2 ===
    ? "Evenish"
    : "Oddish";