Immediately Invoked Function Expressions
: (IIFE’s) are functions called immediately after they have been defined.
- This is the basic sytax of an IIFE.
This syntax forces JS to run our function as a function expression immediately, and afterwards it will never be invoked again.
IIFE’s keep functions and variables Private
- Benefits of IIFE’s:
- Ensures our global space is not overly polluted with function or variable names.
- Can protect global variables from being overwritten.
- There is no point in naming an IIFE since it will only be invoked once.
Interpolation in Javascript
- Template Literal : New way to create a string literal that expands on the syntax of the String primitive type allowing for interpolated expressions to be inserted easily into strings.
${} with backticks!
Object Keys & Symbols
Iterating Through Objects using Symbol Keys
The built-in Object.getOwnPropertySymbols()
can be used to grab all the symbols in an object.
- Using symbols certainly have advantages when working your local code, but they really shine when you have to import larger libraries of code into your own projects - helps to avoid name collisions!
Primitive Data Types in Depth
- There are 8 data types in JS, 1 reference and 7 primitive.
- Primitive Types
- Boolean
- Null
- Undefined
- Number
- String
- Symbol
- BigInt
- Reference Type
- Primitive types are immutable and also
do not have built-in methods
- The string methods are actually used with an object that wraps our string.
Unasssigned Variables in Javascript
- The default value of let and var is undefined.
- Const must be assigned a value.
The difference between default values and hoisting
- Whenever a variable is declared with var, it’s name will be hoisted to the top of the function but will be undefined.
- Let is also hoisted but there will be no defined valued, an error will be thrown if one attempts to access it’s value.