
Keyboard Shortcuts

Understanding Directories

Getting Around

Making Changes

Command Tasks on the Command Line

Grep marks the spot

g/re/p means “Globally search for a Regular Expression and Print”

Common grep options

Teaching yourself anything

Command Redirection

Editing files directly from the CLI

Nano is a terminal text editor that provides easy-to-read instructions and is available on most systems.

Bringing the Internet into your Terminal

Understanding the Shell

Selling C-Shells by the Seashore

Shells vs Terminals

Shells and Terminals are not the same thing, just think of a terminal as an emulator that allows us to work with our Shell.

Shell Prompts

If we ever see a # instead of the usual $ or %, we are logged in as a super-user and must take great care!

Two Purposes

From the Command Line to the Screen visual of cl process

Customizing your Environment

Bash Startup Files

ZSH Startup Files

macOS Catalina with Zsh

Put your customizations into your .zshrc file. Change Visual Studio Code to use zsh as it’s shell.

Bash Permissions & Scripting

file perm image of cli

Modifying Permissions

Ignoring Permissions entirely with Sudo

Bash Scripting